Tuesday, October 26, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Abundance"

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 04, 2015]:

Downloading/Joining Review: "Abundance" (5:04) posted March 15, 2013.

Text introduction:


    Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Abundance. Open your heart and receive the gift as well

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn_9km2_D1o [Removed from public view May 2015]

The person being subjected to hypnosis in this demonstration is SALPOV trainer Ian Y. Lai from Taiwan. Ian is apparently an optometrist, which means he is the only SALPOV trainer who has probably considered the real scientific meaning of the term "psychology of vision" as it is understood in the world of ophthalmology.

[Update Apr. 13, 2019: Dead link]

So I guess if you want to perform a Boolean search looking for just the ophthalmological meaning of the term, you'd have to type in:

psychology AND vision AND NOT bullshit

On with the show--


    LKS: So Ian, I understand its your birthday.

    IYL: Yes.

    LKS: Happy birthday!

    IYL: Thank you.

    LKS: Because its your birthday you get to have a gift from Heaven. And because its a gift from Heaven it can be anything that you want.

Am I missing something here? SALPOV, is a cult inspired by A Course in Miracles, is Christian-based. So, correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the idea is that Christians are supposed to serve Heaven, not the other way around? Isn't it preconditioned on the concept that Christians don't tell Heaven what they want, but rather that they are handing their lives over to God and allow themselves to be an instrument of His will?

Not all, but most of these "downloading/joining" Youtubes come across as bratty children telling Santa Claus what they want for Christmas. As we'll see, the example in this reviewed Youtube is especially selfish. Magical thinking in action. OK, so forget the disconnect with mainstream Christianity, this is in direct conflict with ACIM itself! Another example of the split mind in action--


These videos are all about getting (they call it "receiving"). Even in the few Youtubes where I hear anything about sacrifice or serving God from the client (e.g. Jordan), Lenora redirects the attention to herself and the SALPOV program. The behaviour in the Susan How example suggests these topics might have been pre-selected and scripted.

In just one of these I'd like to see the victim say, "What I desire most is-- pancakes!" and then we can see the miracle of pancakes materializing through the power of magical thinking (aka, "manifesting" in SALPOV). Wouldn't that be great?

I'm fascinated by how both Spezzanos started off in the helping professions that were altruistic and transformed into the New Age capitalists they have become. This change appears to have happened in the Reagan era, which makes perfect sense.

Hey, even Nancy Reagan consulted an astrologer. Here's a link to my favorite astrology website:


OK, enough frivolity. Let's get back with the program--


    LKS: Anything. We can receive it through a download, OK? So don't be modest and don't be shy, just ask for anything that you want. What would you like?

Right off the bat, around 0:17 to 0:21 Lenora makes hand motions as if she has already started the first stages of the hypnosis process.


    IYL: I would like to have lots of money ...

    LKS: OK.
[much laughter]

    IYL: ... and lots of friends.

    LKS: Lots of money and lots of friends. So that's I guess what we would call "abundance." Right?

It is now only at 0:52 and the tremors associated with these stage shows has already begun for Ian.


    IYL: Yes.

    LKS: Yeah. Good.

Once again, as Piff has pointed out, Lenora restates and reshapes the language of the request to fit the SALPOV glossary. And now she is going to insert herself between Ian's desires and a Higher Power, as she does with all of these victims. You see how this works.


    LKS: So the download will address the beliefs that you have that show up in your neuro-net as a brain pattern that limits you. So we're going to erase the limiting pattern and replace it with the truth that your God's child, that you have a rich father.

Stop right there. From what I can glean, Lenora herself in real life had a rich father, which might account for the expressions of entitlement she frequently utters on many levels. Suddenly a piece of this little game all makes sense.


    LKS: There's no reason for you not to have abundance in your life. Alright?

    So you can probably feel the [points at her cranium]-- they don't wait, they don't understand show business. Its just already started. So just surrender your mind and be willing to have that thought change, and--

As her voice trails off around 1:45 and as the Heavenly powers crowd her skull, waiting to be channeled, she gingerly takes Ian's microphone away while his shaking increases. Then at 1:56 she points to her eye--


    LKS: Just look in my right eye. Yeah.

The music starts at 1:59, credited as "Grace" by Bliss. The audio is terrible.

We are treated to the usual facial contortions Lenora performs in these shows. Ian is really shaking and around 3:00 goes into overdrive. This lasts for a few seconds before Lenora decides to cut the thing short and head right for the trophy display portion of the gig, directing Ian to turn and face the audience. My assumption is that this was indeed cut short because we did not get to see her reach the Master Thespian level of acting that usually accompanies this procedure.

As Ian's tremors border on the level of a seizure, the camera pans the Church of the Quivering Brethren, who are also earning their name. The Big Lug is present as well. This sad spectacle goes on for two full minutes, and where you might think any normal person would express concern over Ian's increasingly violent shaking, this crowd just laughs.


Thomas Richard Potts said...

Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie!

Blondie said...

What happened to Ian? Around Oct. 2018 he stopped posting his daily translated POV card of the day and it appears he is no longer a POV trainer.

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