Tuesday, October 26, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Chuck Spezzano's Terrorist Shadow Locked Him Out of His Hotel Room's Internet

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Piff," October 10, 2013]:


Chuck Spezzano does a daily divination card routine that keeps people focused on him via Facebook and elsewhere. They are all psycho-babble, but this one actually does deserve being highlighted. Chuck got locked out of the hotel internet and so of course this means that the terrorist shadows in his mind sabotaged him. You know, how they do.

He directs us to find out just how many terrorist shadows we have in our mind. So this means many of his followers are doing exactly that today. Looking for terrorist shadows in the hidden part of their mind, believing these shadows cause sabotage even out in the physical world, then doing religious practices to somehow heal this. Or something like that.

People can believe what they want, behavior is what matters. Chuck promotes these beliefs to keep people extremely confused and unable to function - and more likely to give him $.



is the card for today. It is a hidden part of the mind that sabotages you and what you are doing, which obviously happened to me as I tried to write about this card and got locked out of the hotel internet. Ask how many you have. Forgive yourself and your belief system and put them all in Heaven's Hands...Have a good one!

Chuck has also used the phrase "crazy wisdom" for one of his cards, this is a big waving red flag. Gurus who claim they use crazy wisdom use this as an excuse for anything they do to their followers, including abuse them. No matter what, they have an escape clause "I ripped you off because that was the only way to enlighten you and free you from your terrorist shadows.".


lenny said...

The sad part is that there will always be an element that will buy Spezzano's bullshit as gospel. He knows that and laughs all the way to the bank.

Benjamin Spock said...

"Terrorist"? Really? Getting locked out of your Internet is terrorism?

Chuck Spezzano is a spoiled brat.

Just a Perfect Day said...

So according to Chuck his Internet was not available because in some way he was a bad person. This is an absurd premise but it reveals so much about how POV operates and feeds off of guilt of vulnerable victims to feed their bank account.

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