Monday, October 18, 2021

About us: Chuck and Lency Spezzano

This biography of Chuck and Lency Spezzano was captured on the Psychology of Vision website on Dec. 15, 2010.

Some notes-- The "deep research" frequently touted on POV promotional literature has never appeared in any professional peer reviewed journals. This is because neither one of the Spezzanos are true professionals. They are not licensed psychologists nor have adequate academic degrees or the experience to acquire such a license in any state, including Hawaii. They are dangerous amateurs who offer no responsible aftercare nor are they accountable to any professional boards or authorities.

None of the charities operated by POV are registered or publish annual reports for the public to see. The African charity walked away from POV with Jeff Allen when he quit and he has acted responsibly in consistently publishing annual reports. Thumbs up! Way to go Jeff! You have outshined your mentors in being accountable and transparent.

The Spezzanos dished out over five grand each to attend a 21-day program at Oneness University in 2007. Their handler was Raksith Ji. Several POV trainers attended OU as well. The Spezzanos became "authorized" to initiate Deeksha Blessing Givers in 2009. As you can read below "The Spezzanos’ greatest inspirations come from A Course in Miracles and Oneness University." From 2007 to about 2011 it is safe to say Psychology of Vision acted as if it was subsidiary of Oneness University.

Then in early 2014 almost all trace of Oneness University and "Deeksha Blessings" was erased from various POV webpages and Chuck's LinkedIn account. We still don't know why. Lency has downplayed the influence of OU on POV, but the evidence says otherwise.

The Spezzanos used the 2012 malarky just as many other scammers did in that era. Not very original, but then again we are talking about a cult where nothing is original and everything has been swiped.

Spezzano originally started his traveling snake oil show as a psychic, as another POV bio states: "In 1980 Chuck travelled to Vancouver, Canada for his first lecture. He began doing psychic development workshops up the west coast but by 1982 seeing the need he switched to only conducting healing workshops. He travelled frequently also to New England and then to Minnesota."

The HUGS program has an alternative history of their origin, describing it as a group effort: "HUGS was founded in 1982 by a small group of volunteers at Unity Church on Oahu who recognized the many challenges and stressors that families with seriously ill children face." Apparently Lency was one of the volunteers and says it was based on ACIM. In Lency's Truth screed she claims she alone developed the HUGS program, just as this bio states.

POV is a scam populated by two categories of people-- the greedy and the gullible.

Do not seek the treasure. It's a bushwhack. They're fixin' an ambush. Do not seek the treasure.

Now, on to the actual biography submitted here for your perusal:


Chuck Spezzano, Ph. D., and Lency Spezzano, M. S, are the founders of the Psychology of Vision, a transpersonal model of healing that employs cutting edge psychological tools and methodology, and wields the miracle power of grace.  The Psychology of Vision centers around three core elements: relationships, leadership (answering the calls for help) and nondenominational spiritual development.

      The Spezzanos have taught seminars in India, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Japan, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and Spain.  Between them they have authored twenty-nine books (with more in the works) in 19 countries.  Given their training and skills, they feel it is important to put part of their time into training others in the healing arts and the skills needed to be a trainer and coach.  There are currently seventy Psychology of Vision Trainers who teach worldwide. In any given workshop, issues regarding relationships, family, health, money, accountability, sexuality, substance abuse, trauma, and problem solving are healed, and spiritual awakening is activated.

     Both of the Spezzanos have done deep research into the subconscious mind (family and relationship patterns), the personal unconscious (ancestral and soul issues), the collective unconscious of humanity, the collective ego (the principle of separation), the astral (the dark unconscious) and the fall (the dream of separation).  Besides developing dozens of healing methods and techniques, Dr. Spezzano has constructed the Steps to Oneness, a psychological and spiritual map of the evolutionary steps and stages one encounters on the way to the experience of Oneness. Over the years, Lency Spezzano has created and evolved the Joining method, which uses grace to release participants from their inner suffering, connect them with the divine, and carry them into spiritual awakening.

     The Psychology of Vision, which is a path of the heart, has four major charities. Since coming under the patronage of the Psychology of Vision, an orphanage in Kerala, India has built a second orphanage, a school, a hospital, a dental clinic, a community college, homes for widows and the aged, a leper colony, village stores, a vocational placement program, and many community projects that care for the surrounding 25 villages. The second Psychology of Vision charity is their First Nations (aboriginal) Program, which operates primarily in Western Canada. This program provides travel and board for First Nations people to receive Psychology of Vision training, which leads to the development of First Nations PoV Trainers, who then take the work into remote villages. The third charity provides support and involvement in an AIDs hospice in Zambia, and the development of community wells to provide clean water. The fourth charity provides seminars in Bangladesh, and micro business loans for deserving women. The Spezzanos contribute two seminars per year to First Nations communities, and provide free tuition for First Nations people at seminars they sponsor. They and their students worldwide provide financial aid to support all four charities.

     The Spezzanos’ greatest inspirations come from A Course in Miracles and Oneness University.  As time draws closer to 2012, their travel has increased from 50% to 75% of their time in an effort to help the planet move from competitive, dissociative independence into partnership and interdependence.

     Chuck Spezzano has worked thirty-eight years in the healing profession, travelling internationally since 1980 to teach his developing psychological model. Lency Spezzano has worked thirty-one years in the healing profession, developing many programs and services for deaf people, and then creating Honolulu’s Hugs program for children with life threatening illnesses, before moving on to work with Chuck.

     They have two grown children and they live in Hawaii.

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