Thursday, November 11, 2021

"Participants need to be able to reach the miracle."

March 26, 2021:

Lency Spezzano has used several venues to announce her retirement and we assume that means she will no longer be active in the Psychology of Vision method of controlled systemic indoctrination designed to extract the maximum amount of cash possible while victimizing vulnerable and naive people. Before getting too excited it should be remembered she announced her retirement in 2014 from gigs held in other countries, and it wasn't long before that promise was broken.

We do wonder if the Spezzanos are going to modify their webpage and their advertising to reflect Lency apparently will not be participating in the remaining 2021 "Apprenticeship Programs" or any other aspect of POV for that matter. Will her image still be used to lure potential victims clients to the cult? Or will she be erased from POV marketing the same way the Spezzanos erased the fact they were once a franchise of Oneness University?

Does her "retirement" include resigning from her position as the VP of the Spezzano & Associates, Limited, Domestic Profit Corporation which is the capitalist for-profit corporation that manages Psychology of Vision? And if so, who will replace her?

This is all most interesting. We wish Lency a happy retirement and hope she is able to find some kind of life outside of the narrow Psychology of Vision nonsense. In many ways we see her as trapped in the esoteric prison of spiritual commercialism as much as some of her more invested followers.

Although Lency will supposedly be gone, POV cult followers who have more money than sense need not worry. Chuckster the Huckster will still be out there hustling for your big bucks. The day when both the Spezzanos are retired might be the day we retire this blog ... maybe. For a duo that celebrate coupleness, it is sort of odd he is still going to be out there actively grifting while she is choosing a private life.

What POV will look like after March 2021 is going to be revealing. Lency's announcement is the most significant piece of news about this toxic group since their Great Trainer Purge of 2017, which is still sort of a mystery to us unenlightened outsiders who are obviously not as spiritually advanced as POV followers. Apparently it is sort of a puzzle to some of the 2017 purged POV trainers as well. As one of them (a level two trainer) later wrote of her experience at the 2017 POV trainers training--

A few years ago I went through a very traumatic experience. It came unexpectedly. (Almost) everything was stolen from me within a few hours. Everything I believed in and committed to was torn away from me. Suddenly my friends were no longer my friends, but became evildoers. My purpose in life was taken from me and denied. Everything that I had relied on for years was suddenly gone.

It didn't just fall away. I was actively expelled, mocked, humiliated, cursed and no longer known.
In what was previously the safest place for me, there was now neither protection nor support, but instead attack and violence.

I was in shock and traumatized and it felt like my whole life and the floor from under my feet had been torn from my feet. Like a fat earthquake that flattens everything. My life was shaken and collapsed.
I was stripped inside, naked, on the floor, and all sense was gone. And I was really scared. Betrayed, cheated, mistreated, despised.
And then very obvious lies were spread in public and my name dragged through the mud.

Let me emphasize, these are the words of a POV trainer not all that long ago. Current POV trainers should take note. The same thing happened to trainers in 2012 as in 2017. You are expendable pawns, don't think you are anything special in the eyes of the Spezzanos. But what do you expect from a capitalist personality cult designed with the end goal of enriching Chuck and Lency? It's all about the money for their bank account and affluent lifestyle. The rest is only dressing.

Note Lency's final bit concerning the requirements for participants. Elitist to the end which reflects her entitled economic class upbringing in the USA and is echoed in the steep POV organizational structure which is combined with Chuck's Catholic idea of The Great Chain of Being. In any event, their concept places Chuck and Lency a notch closer to God than we earthly wage slave paycheck to paycheck peasants who cannot understand what true love is unless we uncover a certain chakra. Some cult followers call Chuck a "Master" or "Uncle," which is ridiculous and downright creepy. This is a commercial enterprise not interested in you unless you have a thick wallet.

Also note Lency's statement: "Their resistance would pull the whole group mind’s process down." Holy Borg, Batman! Note to self: Resistance is not futile.

Anyway, here is her statement--

Lency’s Retirement Birthday Gift to the Psychology of Vision Community, Past and Present 🙂

Aloha! I hope you are doing as well as Chuck and I during these interesting times.

You may have heard that, after 34 years of teaching the Psychology of Vision, I am retiring. Chuck and I taught our first seminar in our basement in 1987 – there were 4 people in our group, ha ha.

Letting go of you all has been a growth producing process, but a good one. I am doing well with it. This next stage of my life can be much more inward, and I am enjoying that.

It’s quite different from my past. To use a metaphor, I have always served as PoV’s “icebreaker,” the one leading the way into the unexplored, hidden recesses of the mind. I have guided you into the profound healing required to return your minds to Oneness, as mapped out in Chuck’s Triangle.

I have been in this position largely because I had the opportunity to face my own issues as I joined you in facing yours. I have participated in your courageous journeys through the depths of discovering who you truly are. It has been the great honor of my life.

To celebrate my retirement I want to provide a farewell gift to Psychology of Vision students, present and past. I would like to offer a free download of the development that I have achieved in my 68 years. A sharing of what I have attained through all my work. I haven’t tried anything like it before, so it’s not guaranteed to work – but it’s surely worth a try. If nothing else, it will be an exuberant experience over Zoom with our community of spectacular PoV Trainers.

My birthday is March 27th, but I think the most convenient time for people all around the globe to receive the download is 9:00 pm Hawaii time, which would probably be your 28th.

I want to emphasize that this experience is not being offered to PoV beginners or others who have not yet done enough of the Feminine Psychology of Vision work to get the 7 chakras above their heads open. Participants need to be able to reach the miracle. Those who can’t would not receive benefit from the download, and their resistance would pull the whole group mind’s process down.

I look forward to seeing you very soon! I hope you can make it! xxxxxxxxxx Lency


Anonymous said...

freaky stuff!!!!!

Year of the Cat said...

Lency has been removed from the online roster of trainers on the POV webpage, and does indeed seem to be retired from active participation in events of the cult. However, in the just recently filed annual for-profit Spezzano and Associates corporation papers in Hawaii, she remains as the Vice-President. This is the commercial entity that ultimately owns Psychology of Vision. Chuck and Lency are the only legal officers and always have been.

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