Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Silvia Stiessel's Unintentional Irony

July 14, 2020

In order to attain the status of a "Trainer" in Psychology of Vision, one has to spend hundreds of hours being indoctrinated in rising levels of workshops and also spend thousands of Euros in the process, which all lands into the bloated bank account of Chuck and Lency Spezzano. And in this steep hierarchy, the trainers themselves have ranks-- trainer 1, trainer 2, and so on until "Master Trainer" and then maybe you can sit on the "Steering Committee."

At first the trainers can easily be considered victims, but then eventually they are morphed into fellow culprits using the Spezzanos as their model. Of course none of this carries any weight in the professional world. No one in POV, including the Spezzanos, are professionally accredited, licensed psychologists, or academically qualified to be messing with the lives of vulnerable people (many ads falsely claim Chuck is a "psychologist"). It is merely a capitalist scam cult where the coin of the realm is the object of worship as broken affluent people are victimized.

So, with that in mind, dig POV trainer Silvia Stiessel's recent ad for a workshop and who, we might hazard a guess from the topic, is working out her own discomfort with being associated with POV. We think we know a few ex-POV trainers and POV critics who might pose Silvia's very questions to Silvia herself:

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