Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hawaii Apprenticeship / by Jeff Allen

At the time Jeff Allen wrote this piece he was a "Master" trainer with Psychology of Vision, the highest rank one can attain in the steep hierarchy of the corporation.

If we are reading this correctly, having this exalted position meant Jeff was able to actually stay overnight at the Spezzano compound itself, as well as be allowed to arrive late for sessions. Wonder how the others in attendance took that?

Describing the Spezzanos, Jeff says "As many of you who have been involved with Psychology of Vision recently have seen, both these gifted healers are working at a high level." But wait, there's more--

[Update Aug. 16, 2021: Dead link]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Spezzanos certainly have their favorites who enjoy the luxury of operating under a different set of rules than the peons.

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