Sunday, March 31, 2019

April Fools Day-- Here Comes Flow 2019!

Mar. 19, 2019

An online event in Europe being held April 1-11, 2019 called "Flow" is being marketed thusly (according to Google translate):

"Spirituality, how it suits you. Urban. Modern. Individually. This is your way to you, without rigid patterns. This is your life in harmony, without a given tact. This is the chance to meet yourself - and to immerse yourself in your flow.

Experience over 130 of the most famous international authors and German speaking experts in the areas of consciousness, mediality, healing, nutrition, hypnosis, communication, NLP, coaching, angels, shamanisumus, meditation, and motivation. You will receive practical tips, exercises and meditations for you and your flow! And the great thing is that it's free for you!"

In short, this is a bullshit jamboree!

Although Chuck Spezzano does appear in this star-studded line-up, he is not a headliner. It would appear the Dalai Lama and Deepak Chopra have that honor due to their superior financial draw, at least in the introductory graphics. This annual event seems to have started in 2017, and Spezzano was part of the 2018 soirée.

So where is this coming from?

"Who is behind "flow! summit "?

The flow! summit is organized by Wrage Hamburg and Psi Online in cooperation with the Basler Psi-Verein. Together, we combine well over 100 years of experience with spiritual events and online events. We bring all of our knowledge, our experiences, our ideas and above all, our passion into this online event, to bring you an unforgettable experience. You can look forward to this new, unique concept - on your journey to your flow. Curious? Then be there!

We look forward to you!

Best regards
Greta Lipp
Pablo Sutterlin
Yann Weibel"

Wrage and Basler Psi-Verein both have a long history of falsely merchandising Spezzano as a "clinical psychologist" or "psychologist" and claiming he has a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology." This is outright lying.

Several of the names in this show have enabled Spezzano's façade by also spreading these false credentials of their con-artist colleague without investigation in perhaps what could be considered a "Hey, Rube!" exercise. Also, we find the names of many others in the blogs and forums of our comrades such as New Age Frauds and Plastics Shamans, and the Cult Education Forum. This cast of enablers and/or familiar names to us include such spiritual capitalists as: Bruce Lipton, Teal Swan, Lee Carroll, Alberto Villoldo, Byron Katie, Louise Hay (hmm, I thought she was dead. Is someone channeling her for this event?), Eva-Maria Zurhorst, Kurt Tepperwein, Caroline Myss, and Robert Holden.

Not found in this list: Eckhart Tolle [Update Mar. 22, 2019: they squeezed him in], Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho), Jim Jones, Little Grandmother, James Arthur Ray, J.Z. Knight (Ramtha), Sri Bhagavan and Amma, Ashtar Command,  Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles, Elmer Gantry, and the Tooth Fairy.

As an aside, I see Marianne Williamson appears on this list. This blogger happens to be an American who votes. Politically I am an independent who never for votes for Republicans. But I will not be voting for Williamson in the 2020 primaries since we would simply be trading one cult for another. Besides, I suspect she is running merely to heighten the visibility of her commercial enterprise. Also I will not be voting for Tulsi Gabbard, who has been endorsed by white nationalist David Duke (but to be fair she rejected the endorsement. Still-- )

Anyway, if you want to be a participant in this Flow event be sure to don your hazmat suit before entering-- and watch your wallet no matter how "free" it is advertised!

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