Monday, November 1, 2021

Psychology of Vision Trainer Ute Baues Claims Chuck Spezzano has a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology"

 Feb. 17, 2019

This is the kind of fraud claim that could land Spezzano back in court after the State of Hawaii slapped him hard in 2004 for pretending to be a "psychologist." The court papers state that Spezzano's representatives spreading false professional credentials can be just as bad, and since Ute Baues is a POV minion, this qualifies as an official statement from the cult.

In this marketing for some kind of online event involving Chuck Spezzano and POV trainer Ute Baues, Spezzano is alleged to have a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology."

[Update June 9, 2020: Looks like this is now yet another Spezzano assembly line product, being presented again using the same URL. The 2020 version continues to use the same dishonest advertising of marketing Chuck having a Ph.D. in Clinical psychology. POV's foundation is based on so many lies and Spezzano apparently has no problem in allowing these fabrications to stand]


Chuck Spezzano is known worldwide as a spiritual companion and bestselling author. He has a PhD in Clinical Psychology and a Masters in Sociology. For several years he worked in the drug, couple and family counseling. Together with his wife Lency, over thirty years of work and research, he has developed the groundbreaking healing method, Psychology of Vision (POV), a coaching and seminar model that combines classical psychology with spiritual principles and transforms people into a meaningful life leads. Chuck Spezzano's books have been translated into many languages, such as "If it hurts, it's not love." For many thousands of participants in his seminars in Europe, North America and Asia, his methods have brought profound spiritual, emotional and physical change.


Yet again we must point out this is false advertising. Falsifying Chuck Spezzano's credentials in marketing seems to be the rule rather than exception, especially in European merchandising of POV literature and events. The Spezzanos have allowed this to spread-- much to their economic advantage. Sitting by and passively letting these falsehoods become so widespread year after year to their financial benefit is ultimately the responsibility of Chuck and Lency Spezzano-- particularly when it comes from one of their own trainers!
[Update: Dead link May 27, 2019] 

Does Ute not know the truth about her Master?

Spezzano's 1977 Ph.D. was apparently in something exotic called "Professional Psychology" and seems to be unique to the now extinct school he attended. It was not accredited by the APA, which means his diploma bypassed any sort of national standard. Even in Europe this should disqualify him from being called a "psychologist." Both of the Spezzanos are on record saying Chuck is not a "psychologist."

In addition, Spezzano was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for impersonating a professional. He is not licensed and is not even remotely qualified to practice professional psychology even if he applied. He has NEVER worked as a licensed "psychologist" or published any research in peer-reviewed journals that we can locate. His credentials have been inflated and falsified for decades, starting with his own newspaper advertisements in the 1980s. Here are some links to some primary sources of interest so you can see the evidence:

Here's another link to the Big Lie of "Clinical Psychology" being repeated:

It's all about the money, honey--

Update Feb. 20, 2019: As of this morning (in my time zone) there is now a pretty hilarious 4-minute trailer attached to this advertisement. It includes sensitive music and scenic nature scenes on a green screen behind Chuck Spezzano. In addition there is testimony from some of our familiar Psychology of Vision toadies. It also includes brief client interrogations by Chuck where his style appears to this viewer to be nothing more than a form of bullying.

Some of the quotes from Chuck in this ad worth noting:

"Any bad thing that has ever happened to you happened to you as a result of a lack of self love."

"As Yoda said, 'There is no try, only do'" [complete with voice imitation]

"What I started studying was hypnosis because what I found was that hypnosis was a great way to get into the subconscious mind and find out where the traps were, find out what the problems were."


Update Mar. 26, 2019: Chuck and Ute appear in a couple promotional bits on Vimeo. A quote from Chuck: "If you know the deeper mind, what mystics know, what quantum physicists know, what people in depth psychology know, what shamans know is nothing's by accident."
[Update Nov. 6, 2019: Dead link]


Update Mar. 27, 2019: Two new promotional videos have appeared on Youtube under the banner of Neue Weltsicht, claiming in the introductory text Chuck has a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology."

In the question and answer video Chuck attacks the ego while at the same time demonstrating that his own is quite large and healthy as he boasts continually about his miraculous success with clients.

Spezzano also includes comments on healing family patterns (he claims he's been employing this method since 1974), soul gifts, his "intuitive" method that replaces hypnosis, Oedipal complex, A Course in Miracles, the Holy Spirit, German guilt over the Nazis, Oneness, astral and demonic forces,  and soul partners.

He mentions his "professional research" on how get through the "Dead Zone" but we have yet to locate one single article Spezzano has ever contributed to a professional journal. In order to do that he would first have to be a professional himself, which he is not. [Update Dec. 20, 2019: dead link]


Are the folks at the Hawaii Dept. of Commerce and Consumer Affairs paying attention to this?


Update April 8, 2019: Amazing how much BS has been generated from a single event.  This 6 page brochure once again makes the bogus claim that Spezzano earned a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology" and that the Spezzanos "have developed their work based on more than 50 years of psychological practice."

Anyone in Honolulu paying attention to this?


Kostoyed Amoursky said...

"Any bad thing that has ever happened to you happened to you as a result of a lack of self love."

That's right Chuck, blame the victim and drain their bank accounts

Anonymous said...

Fraud alert!

Invented Silly Owls said...

Don't hold your breath waiting for a correction or retraction. Lying is just second nature in Psychology of Vision. Chuck or Ute should've stepped in early and taken responsibility for this.

Year of the Cat said...

This has been up for nearly a year and since Ute is a POV franchise holder and trainer and Chuck since has had plenty of time to have this corrected, we can only conclude that lying about his credentials in advertising is apparently OK with Mr. Spezzano and Ms. Baues. And his credentials are not the only thing they lie about. Buyer beware!

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