Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Chuck Gets a Speeding Ticket -- Does That Mean He Does Not Love Himself? [Updated]

Feb. 20, 2019

It would seem that on Jan. 20, 2019, right before the annual 10-day meeting of Psychology of Vision franchise holders known as the "Trainers Training," 71-year old Chuck Spezzano was clocked in the Kaneohe area near his home driving 69 miles per hour in a 35 zone according to his citation.

Perhaps Chuck was engaged in "busyness" to prepare for the trainer event. Here's a link to the meeting:

Along Interstate 90 in South Dakota, May 2018

The original allegation is that Chuck basically was speeding at 69 in a 35 zone. Yes, I said 69 in a 35 zone, that's almost double the speed limit. In Hawaii going more than 30 over the speed limit kicks the crime up a notch. Hawaii is not like driving in the American West or on the German Autobahn where posted speed limits can be as high as 80 mph. Driving 70 in Hawaii is not only more reckless than on the mainland but also contrary to the laid back image projected in tourism material.

In our imagination here's how it came down. Follow the link:

Well, call us childish and disrespectful, but that was a fun distraction. We like to celebrate frivolity around here.

Anyway, Chuck was issued a ticket by Officer Ty T.K. Ah Nee and was told to show up for his hearing on Feb. 20.

So Chuck had to interrupt his precious time during the franchise holders meeting and on Jan. 24 submitted a "Motion to Continue" to change the date, which was moved to Mar. 7, 2019. Or perhaps his attorney performed this task. This request was granted by Judge Michael K. Tanigawa. The sequence of events explains why Chuck looked so distracted and dissociated in the videos and photos of the 10-day Trainers Training. We figure Spezzano asked for this rescheduling due to his planned book promotion/expensive "workshop" tour in Germany during the Feb. 20, 2019 week.

Nothing unusual or unreasonable in the request itself or the granting of it.

But, the following component makes us laugh, which we do a lot when it comes to POV.

In 2004 the State of Hawaii slapped Chuck with a fine for posing as a professional "psychologist." In fact he has never been licensed as one and his 1977 Ph.D. in "Professional Psychology" was peculiar to his now extinct school and was not accredited by the APA.

In his Feb. 2019 tour the promotion of fake credentials for Chuck continued as it has for decades. So the Judge gave permission for Spezzano to travel to Germany and in the process Chuck broke the conditions of his 2004 court case in order to hoodwink the locals there under false pretenses while coming home with bags of cash. This fake advertising has become second nature for him so he probably didn't even think about it since there have been no legal consequences for 15 years.

During Chuck's period of court hearing postponement, one of Spezzano's own foolish young franchise holders in Germany promoted an event claiming her beloved Master has a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology" probably embracing this as true because this was told to her and she accepted it as fact without any critical investigation. A large number of Spezzano's followers seem to sincerely but erroneously believe he is actually a real psychologist and/or possesses a more sophisticated and professionally recognized academic degree than he actually has:

Also, one of Chuck's main promoters in Germany is the Frankfurter Ring, which has consistently merchandised him as a "clinical psychologist" or "psychologist" for many years. All it would take is a simple request from Chuck to have them stop this deception, but that apparently has never happened. They were the ones hosting the Feb. 20 event Chuck requested the Court to accomodate his schedule and change their calendar for:

Just business as usual in Psychology of Vision. They are experts at manipulating the system.

In the American legal process the ideal basic premise is that all are innocent until proven otherwise. Chuck was proven guilty in 2004 over his lack of licensed credentials while posing as a professional. But as far as his 2019 speeding goes, the burden of proof falls on the State to demonstrate Spezzano actually broke the law. We will be following this case with great interest and plan to update this post when we learn the result.

In one of his Feb. 2019 videos Chuck stated, "Any bad thing that has ever happened to you happened to you as a result of a lack of self love." So according to his logic, this could be his legal case if he offers a defense in court-- he simply didn't love himself enough at the time of his offense. I'm sure that would convince the Court he's innocent, right?

We invite any local Kaneohe professional or citizen journalists to contribute here. We also hope the Hawaii Dept. of Commerce and Consumer Affairs is paying attention:

[Update: Mar. 7, 2019: It would appear this morning Chuck paid a fine of $507, which is seven dollars more than his 2004 fee for pretending to be a licensed "psychologist."

In addition we hope the Dept. of the Prosecuting Attorney of the City and County of Honolulu has been paying attention to Chuck's activities of breaking the conditions of his 2004 conviction] 

[Update: Mar. 20, 2019: Looks like Chuck also has 36 hours of community service to perform. He pleaded Nolo Contendere before Judge Maura M. Okamoto and is ordered to report back on Aug. 22, 2019]

[Update: Aug. 27, 2019: Chuck did not deign to show up in court to report on his community service of picking up roadside trash or whatever it was he did as a court ordered condition of his conviction. He is waaaay too important for that. There are suckers out there that need to be cheated and he is not going to let anything as trivial as a court of law stop him from this sacred task. POV followers take note: by his plea and his actions he has not accepted responsibility for his choices, just as he did in the 2004 case where he was fined for being a fake "psychologist." This man does not walk his talk. Do you really want to waste your energy, money and life devoted to a consistent fraud and parasite of the vulnerable?]


Anonymous said...

Guess this is what Chuck means when he says he uses the fast track.

Marger said...

No matter how this turns out, this is a very rare case of Chuck having to be held accountable and answer for his actions.

I'll Bet Camus said...

Interesting that speeding in Hawaii demands a higher fine than posing as a fake "psychologist." In my mind the latter is much more damaging to the public safety.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Chuck will attempt to offer free workshops of his bullshit as his "community service"? If so, I think a personal contact and complaint with the judge or prosecutor will be in order. Actually a complaint with the judge or prosecutor is on order anyway considering Chuck's behavior during the delay of his hearing.

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