Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Psychology of Vision Triangle deconstructed

We have always found it interesting the Psychology of Vision triangle is a linear model that encloses rather than opens. For those of us who are visual thinkers this appears to be a trap rather than a process leading to enlightenment or freedom. It also looks more complicated than it needs to be.

This triangle device is a model of how to control people through a series of steps like rats in a maze. The sole purpose of this triangle is to lure in vulnerable people in order to feed the already bloated Spezzano bank account through the use of quasi-religious language. Note the positive emphasis on obedience and following orders which must be obeyed at all times. Jawohl mein fuhrer!

It also helps the POV cult classify all humans. Not only is the internal POV hierarchy a steep pyramid, but the way they view the rest of humanity is the same. Are you a POV critic? Well obviously you are not as evolved as someone who has passed "GO" on the Triangle. I had one POV defender ask if I had indeed been "enlightened." It helps the cult members feel superior to the rest of us and feeds their sense of entitlement as well as contributes to their insulation closing their minds to some inconvenient truths regarding the grifters they are enabling-- especially if these are followers who are franchise holders and have created their spinoff commercial enterprises based on this POV nonsense.

And who gets to decide where your status is on this fakey-bakey fabricated triangle? This is such a scam. The Spezzanos swiped the concept from Bob Trask anyway. Nothing is ever original with Psychology of Vision.

Do not seek the treasure. It's a bushwhack. They're fixin' an ambush. Do not seek the treasure.

From what I observe POV always keeps their followers in a state of child-like dependence. Hence the use of terms like "Uncle" Chuck and calling Lency "Mom." According to the way the Spezzanos treat their cultish followers, no one is ever going to graduate beyond the first stage of the bogus triangle unless they run away from the POV scam as fast as they can.



 More detail:

 Spiritual dependence and Oneness


Howard Hughes said...

That triangle is waaaaaay too complicated.

Anonymous said...

When a so-called spiritual program is followed by a trademark, patent, or copyright symbol that should be a red flag.

Anonymous said...

Not only linear, but also compartmentalized to the nth degree. Real life is not so neat and orderly. This POV triangle is cookie cutter fakery, a scam.

Nicole Ehrenberg said...

This triangle is a far cry from the complexity of a human being. Therefore I love it. It gives the feelings and behaviour of people a very good structure and shows the dynamics of all issues human beings can face...

Year of the Cat said...

Thank you for your comment, Nicole. It would be reasonable to guess you are in the business of the coaching vocation. How were you exposed to the POV triangle and do you employ it with your customers?

Anonymous said...

Do you have the latest version?

Year of the Cat said...

Interesting question. If there have been editorial changes through time they must have been secondary since the primary premise of the triangle has remained the same from all examples I have viewed. But, POV is a closed society so it is possible a recent change was made I am not aware of. There are indeed more abridged versions of the triangle but the process they direct the client to follow seem unchanged from edition to edition.

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