Sunday, January 6, 2019

It is the most advanced scientific psychology in the world

Here's another first-person narrative from a Chinese client of a Psychology of Vision event held by a Japanese trainer, in this case apparently Hideaki Kurihara. Critics of POV who regard it as a toxic and irresponsible group will find several all-too familiar scenarios outlined here.

Note the totally false statement that Chuck and Lency Spezzano are both "internationally renowned psychologists," when in fact no one in any position of authority in POV can be considered a true professional in the field of psychology. So the lies and false credentials continue to spread. Also, POV was certainly not around in 1974.

Note as well POV is called "the most advanced scientific psychology in the world" when in fact it is just a scammy capitalist cult. I'm sure the American Psychological Association is having a good laugh over that one.

The images are from Google translate. Readable text follows the images. The original page can be found at this link:
[Update Sept. 2, 2019: Dead link]

 Sharing|I have experienced a magical course that has swept the world

Action Party DreamList <More content 2018-03-07 07:29:00

Author: PENG six

Source: Peng Xiaoliu (pengxiaoliu1985)

We look at the person who is not willing to take a step forward.

Then I left tears.


In the 10th month of the induction action, my team and I were preparing to plan the second season of onion reading.

We tried to summarize and reflect on the first season of the course, and then put the improvement points into the second season. The meeting is carried out in steps, materials, processes, trainees, teaching assistants, content and lecturers. The lecturer is me and the content is also my design.

The dish is the person in charge of the project. She directly said the shortcomings: the communication time with the students is small, the comments are too simple, and too much dry content is too little practice. Jiayi told me a story, but I forgot the story, but let me think about two questions:

You have been paying attention to your content, but have you paid attention to your students? You have been paying attention to the income of each month. What do you get from the students who have these incomes?


I have always said that my mind is open, but I have not done it.

The manual for the new recruits of the Action Group is "Zero Limit". When I look at the cover, I put on an expression: body and mind, not to look at it.

In 17 years, I have already formed my own closed circle in Shenzhen. I use logical thinking, product thinking and business thinking to understand the world , to design my words and courses, to plan what kind of people I want to be next.

I think Shenzhen is a battlefield. I am fully armed and armed with an epee.

In 10 months, I have a bloody battle:

Dream morning reading session, get up at 6 o'clock live, all year round;

PhotoReading is equipped with 21 days training camp 1;

Super Writing Class is equipped with 12-day training camp 1;

Knowledge Management Training Camp 6;

Learning strength training camp 13 video lessons;

Personal brand training camp 1;

Personal brand line class 1;

Offline 1 tour speech 16 cities in two seasons;

National Reading Basic Course - Onion Reading Class 2.

During the most months of the course and activities, three projects collided, so I recorded and taught the course three times in the morning, in the middle and in the evening. The number of lectures in 16 years is more than 200. In 17 years, the number was broken in two months.

According to the performance, I am a qualified product manager, but my team does not see it this way. They said that following the project, I was exhausted and the satisfaction of the students was not high.

- What went wrong?

Then what should I do? No one gave me the answer.

After I ended the national tour, before the start of the second onion, Qi Qi and the PhotoReading mentor team went to Wuhan to participate in a psychology class called PoV (Psychology of Vision) .

My habit of going to the previous course is to buy all the books related to this course and read them first. I first get the knowledge system and framework, and then determine which are the points of knowledge and confusion that I need to pay attention to in the online course.

Because PhotoReading's mentor group is a friend and teacher I trust very much, they have gone, plus they haven't got together for a long time, so they just want to say, then go to the holiday to meet old friends.

I am like a full-body armor who just came down from the battlefield and immediately went to the battlefield to go to the meditation, what is going on!

Because the second season onion reading class was about to begin, all the information on the onion reading class was taken over. Well, I think about it. If it is the kind of crying course, I will bury my head drawing design drawings.


The course starts at 10am every day (I am! 10pm!) and is located in a five-star hotel conference hall on the riverside in Wuhan.

This course is a double tutor class, which is also a Japanese couple. One rare opportunity in a year is that they come together to do this course, so this time there are a lot of students, about 80 people.

Before entering the venue, everyone will take a photo and print it out, and the corresponding name will be grouped on the wall. The team leader is an old student who has participated in many times or a teacher who has experience in the workshop. What caught my attention is that there are more than a dozen students who have flown from Japan this time, including several couples.

As the Chief Education Product Officer of the Action Group, I began to pay attention to the details from the front desk, what are the merits and which can improve the experience.

I took my handbook into the room . The classroom environment was a U-shaped three-tiered layout. The U-shaped mouth was placed with two chairs for talking.

I underestimated it and felt that I found something incredible: how can I not even have a PPT? !


This course really has no PPT!

The teacher explained that there are very few courses in this issue, more practice and experience, and fewer new students (more than 80 students, just a few of us are new students) , so if you don’t know the concept, look at it. A picture sent in front of the field would be fine.

The daily schedule is probably like this (the process below is my own summary) :

1. The instructor explains a topic today (parents, partners, friends, myself, etc.)

2, the focus of people:

Randomly extract a person's card from the student (the card you filled in when you checked in)

The trainees and the tutors will have a conversation, and the trainees will tell their own confusion and questions they want to ask.

3, before class practice: group role exchange practice

4, the instructor explained: the instructor to explain the problems you may encounter

5, docking practice: looking for a classmate, sit still and look at each other

6, the focus of the person: the same as the second process step

The focus of the person is like a direct psychological counseling on the spot. Maybe everyone is an old student, so even in the presence of more than 80 people, you can still speak out the pain and confusion in your heart.

With this courage, I feel that I can't do it, so I stopped the pen and began to see the focus of his own story.

I later realized that people would look for meanings related to themselves in the things they saw – this is the “projection” in psychology.

One of the ladies was drawn to the focus, she was very well dressed, but her face was very tired and even looked very painful.

She said she didn't understand why she was married for seven years, and a family with one child would be like this now. His husband is also there, so the tutor also invited her husband to the front to have a discussion.

The husband was also tired of his face. After listening to his wife’s remarks, he said: We had divorced two days before the class.

A boring exclamation of the audience!


You may have heard the story of this couple:

The couple were together from a young age. At that time, the husband was very poor and built his own business in Wuhan by his own hard work.

The wife began to feel that her mother and her brother had too much intervention in this family, and they were too big to buy a house to have children, so small to ask the nanny buyers, the mother-in-law would always say a few words.

The husband is in the middle, I don’t know what to do. So I don't like to go home more and more, I prefer to work overtime or on a business trip. "I started to feel that going home is a terrible thing."

Under the reaction of her husband, the wife has increasingly found that she needs to take care of the family herself, so she has a strong reaction to her family's interference.

Then a vicious circle begins. Love, family will kill their willpower in this infinite loop.

The instructor said that understanding a person's current values ​​is going to see his intimate relationship.

When the wife was a child, she saw a picture of her mother being bullied by her husband. So she had a voice in her young mind: When I had my own family, I would never be bullied like my mother.

When her husband was a child, he was poor at home. He relied on his parents to shrink and raise his diet. He had the opportunity to work in the city by relying on the support of his older brother. Therefore, there is also a seed in the husband’s heart: everything I have now is given by my parents, they are me. The most important relatives.

I think if this is not the case, even if two people have been married for many years, they will not be so open and open to say the words to the other party.

What happened to the couple? Will they remarry?

I do not know.

But what I think is, when those who love each other are breaking up, if there is such a conversation, how lucky it is to be - even if they are not together, at least, know how to avoid it next time?

The focus of the characters is done every day. The confusion that everyone I see below is actually my own confusion.


The second part of the course that impressed me was the combination of exercises.

The so-called combination exercise is to select the object you want to cooperate with, then sit face to face with each other and look at each other's left eye.

Just look at it like this?

Yes, just look at each other's left eye.

At the beginning, I observed the other's eyes, forehead, eyebrows, eyelashes, and even the entire face in my observation range. But after a few minutes passed, I didn't know what to look at when I was able to observe the parts that I had observed on the opposite side.

Ok, go back to the other person's eyes. This kind of confrontation is very strange, looking at it, I seem to see the opposite person become me, become a person I once knew, I once had a heart.

The first one to practice with me was a big brother from Hong Kong. The nearly 50-year-old man has very tender things in his eyes, and he has very stubborn things.

The next day I specially invited a 19-year-old girl. She is the daughter of the organizer of the event organization. My selfishness is in my eyes. Can I see my past? Her eyes are very clean. When she cries, I am distracted because she reminds me of what I used to like. Girls who have passed.

On the last day, the instructor specially arranged for me a Japanese wife.

After a few days of practice, I tried to talk to myself.

Some people will cry and some will laugh.

Later, the instructor explained that the reason why I laugh is because when you discover your obsession, and you find that the reason behind this obsession is ridiculous, you will laugh out loud.

I was crying during the first four days of docking exercises. I have experienced tears from tears and tears. It is painful to talk to one's own heart. This kind of pain can only be presented in one way at that moment, that is, tears.

This kind of crying is twice in this life. Once was the death of my grandfather, once a year, I almost thought my mother was gone.


Interestingly, the second season of onion reading is also a lesson in these days. So I finished the class every day (the crying pear flower with the rainy face ruddy), then returned to the hotel room to start the class.

I noticed that my armor was melting like ice.

When I was at the lecture, the speed slowed down. I would like to ask everyone from time to time, "When we talked about it, can everyone understand? ", and time does not know.

At the end of the day, I found out that the original one hour of sharing had already spent two hours.

Onion reading has a class that is about reading notes. I have a whimsy two hours before class:

The content of this evening is so boring, why not, so, this way! Reading notes should be a very fun thing, how do I play?

So, I temporarily changed the content before class, and this content was actually what I came up in those two hours! (I am either crazy or a genius)


The PoV course from Wuhan has passed for half a year, and the course satisfaction of the second season of onion reading has reached a 96% satisfaction.

What happened later, you saw it.

I tried to restore the day, write what I like, write what I want to tell you, not to chase the quantity, think about the powder. We started to do offline workshops.

Because I found that people who are learning are people who want to change, and why change, everyone's heart is different. So you can talk offline, you can see each other's eyes, you can hug.

“Look at me” and “Hug me” is the most primitive psychological need.

I can also observe the emotions of his hands-on practice under the line. His emotions about tools and methods can be adjusted quickly, which is more valuable than a bunch of dry goods.

To make money, you have to focus on helping your users solve problems - to make money, you have to forget to make money.

Onion reading can be done once a month, but we choose to become a three-month period, because our discovery reading method is completed, it takes at least 100 days to accompany and experience;

Private brand private class, the course has been formed, it can be a month, we choose to tentatively, because I want to give a bunch of people to class, it is better to help a dozen people, help them to do offline reading more meaningful;

In 18 years, the days of knowledge payment will be very difficult for many people, too, for me, because I gave up 80% of the income pipeline and chose to focus on reading: onion reading and dream reading.

One is the reading ability class and the other is the reading practice column.

Give up the simple line and frequently do the offline. I have limited energy. I will talk about my methods, tools and processes and give me the trusted city partners to let them do in their own cities.

Money and influence are all additional rewards for us, not goals.

In the backstage of my public account, there are also many small partners who have asked me how to sign up for changing such a large PoV course.

Here I would like to recommend the latest introductory course of the PoV Vision Psychology “Vision Class” introduced by the 2018 Activist .


PoV vision psychology from the United States

Self-teaching by the top master tutor of Asia , Kurihara Hideaki

PoV Vision Psychology is from the United States. It is a highly practical practice founded in 1974 by internationally renowned psychologists, Dr. Chuck Spissano and his wife, who have more than 40 years of experience in relationship consulting and training . Scientific psychology.

It can help us transform the environment into an energy that constantly discovers our talents and charms, thus continuing to inspire our creativity, goals and happiness. It is the most advanced scientific psychology in the world.

Course details

You will learn:

✦   Use the triangular model of vision psychology to find your own vision of life

✦   10 ways to use the vision: "Living the vision uses the vision of the vision"

建立 Establish a friendly interpersonal relationship and improve communication skills

Vision meditation: dialogue with the future

✦   Understand your own stages of growth, and constantly discover hidden talents

✦   Improve your perception and your ability to build true intimacy

PS: The above syllabus is a tentative outline, and the detailed outline will be announced before the start of the course.

Suitable for you to participate:

✦   a professional who wants to plan a career

✦   People who are troubled by interpersonal relationships and gender relations

✦   Lost youth who don’t know their talents and goals

✦   People who often feel inferior and want to gain confidence

✦   People who cannot trust others

✦   a person who has worked hard but has never seen results

PoV Vision Psychology "Vision Class"

April 19~22 Shenzhen

ways of registration

Add Action, the leader of the network, Huang Andy

WeChat registration

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