Friday, January 11, 2019

Error establishing a database connection with

Dec. 29, 2018

Well, we came back from our holiday vacations Dec. 23-28 and see we didn't miss anything concerning activities on the Psychology of Vision Canada website. Our forensics tell us their downtime problem began between Dec. 19-22, so this has been going on for a week or more.

Did anyone even notice?

Also, the POV Canada Facebook page has not been active for about 6 months and is still prominently marketing an event that already took place quite some time ago.

POV Canada appears to be in a bit of disarray these days:


Year of the Cat said...

Also this week we note that POV Central Europe has wiped out several years of Chuck's "Nightlight Newsletter" archives, as well as a few other things. It looks like a bungled job since 2011 issues are available but there is hole around 2014-2016, and maybe more years erased. I am guessing both Canada and Central Europe suffered a loss of voluntary webmaster expertise when certain trainers were part of the Great Trainer Depletion of 2017.

Year of the Cat said...

Also observed in recent times. POV Central Europe has not been keeping up with their monthly national newsletter. Meanwhile Chuck has been missing a few of his "Cards of the Day." In one instance the "card" turned out to be a personal email to a client.

As the world turns, POV Canada's webpage has remained down for at least 2 weeks.

Year of the Cat said...

POV Europe's webpage has been going through major deletions this week. Some of these changes just don't make sense and looks very random and inconsistent but it could be I am catching them in mid-process.

Year of the Cat said...

The POV Canada webpage has now been down for at least an entire month. No recognition or explanation has been made on any other POV websites or Facebook ages.

Year of the Cat said...

POV Canada website finally came back up this evening, complete with the same outdated information such as Susan How being in charge of the First Nations Fund.

Year of the Cat said...

POV Asia's webpage has been missing since Apr. 13, 2019. Meanwhile, POV Canada's webpage remains outdated and untouched. POV International and POV Central Europe have webpages that look like someone came in and just deleted huge chunks at random. Time for Beethoven's 7th Symphony, 2nd movement.

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