Monday, March 9, 2020

Business Ethics in China

Interesting article in the June 2018 Tuna Business Review concerning Qi Qi / Liu Xiaoqi and her Action Pi group in China, which incorporates Psychology of Vision.,1500008,15700021,15700124,15700149,15700186,15700191,15700201,15700237&usg=ALkJrhj89UWdEUx9ISEEabrS1QgWDbxf4g

[Update Aug. 7, 2021: dead link]

Sooner or later Qi Qi and/or the Chinese government will learn Chuck Spezzano is NOT a psychologist as Action Pi claims. Chuck was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for pretending to be a "psychologist." Or perhaps they already know by now.

Psychology of Vision is NOT "scientific psychology" as Action Pi states, but is regarded by many as a toxic, dangerous and scammy personality cult and it is registered as a for-profit corporation. POV is about as spiritual and professional as a butter knife. In the United States a certificate from POV is utterly worthless in the professional job market.

Will Action Pi retract their false statements which are giving the Spezzanos and POV the kind of professional credibility they do not deserve? In time we will see if Action Pi or the Chinese government have any sort of business ethics in allowing POV to continue this game of posing as something they are not.

1 comment:

Marger said...

You can bet the Spezzanos themselves will take no action to correct the misleading information. What incentive is there for them do so, except that it is the right action to take in terms of ethics and integrity?

That'll be the day.

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