Monday, March 30, 2020

Oneness Constellations

Oct. 11, 2018

During the 2007-2010 era, when Chuck and Lency Spezzano considered Oneness University to be one of their two "greatest inspirations" it was quite in vogue to attach the term "Oneness" to old and tired tricks of pseudoscience and present them with a new wrapping.

For example in 2007 Lency announced to the followers:

"Okay, so we're going to be having a joining session. In Psychology of Vision we're starting to call them 'Oneness Sessions' now."

You can find it at the 6:36 mark on this Youtube--

So too it apparently went with the "family constellations" scam genre, which is a dangerous practice involving role-playing frequently used by unqualified and unlicensed frauds such as Chuck Spezzano who has employed it for years. It would seem the "Oneness" buzzword which was a fad at the time crossed over into this practice as well, with Chuck getting the credit he deserves.


The ONENESS statements
"ONENESS Constellations" are based on an idea by Chuck Spezzano and belong to the "Dynamic Constellations by Dr. med. Peter Reiter® ". They were further developed by Amir and Samira Ahler as part of their "ONENESS awakening work" program and combined with "TAOFlow Process Work" and "Enneagram Awareness". At the beginning, substitutes are sought for the persons - or parts of them - that someone wants to set up. Then love magically takes over the process of healing. Reconciliation almost always happens without words, old frozen feelings unfold, everything is led by love. In the end, everyone is in the "circle of love" and deep peace is spreading.

"ONENESS Constellations" are contemporary healing rituals that provide a protective and inspiring framework in which participants can resolve and heal conflicts and tensions in themselves, their relationships, families, and companies.

oneness-aufstellungen01 About us : Samira Ahler and Amir Ahler, psychotherapist (HP) and author, run the METANOIA seminar center in Freiburg. You call your work "ONENESS awakening work", a natural synthesis of Enneagram and Advaita consciousness work, TAOFlow elements and ONENESS lineups. They also train in spiritual NLP and hypnotherapy, coaching and systemic constellation work.

Current seminar dates at:

Training in "ONENESS awakening work" and "ONENESS lineups" is planned for the end of 2008 / beginning of 2009.

Further information at:
Tel: 07684-14 42 

Note the mention of hypnotherapy. Chuck Spezzano once wrote a forward in a book written in 2006 by the above mentioned Peter Reiter (who sadly passed away in 2013). Reiter had been a POV trainer for a spell. Here's Chuck praising the use of hypnosis.

"This book presents a very easy way to change yourself to be more of your true self. It also allows you to help others to change. This is what the future holds – friends helping friends. And having fun while doing it. Because what you are about to learn is fun, easy and effective. It is intriguing because you are unraveling the mystery of yourself. It is fun because it can be done in your bedroom or study by yourself, with a friend in a café or with a group at a party. It is entertaining and educational. It is easy because it can be done by you with a simple understanding of what is presented in the book. And finally, it is effective as it uses the principle that is central to hypnosis to bring about change: by assigning meaning to a symbol and changing the symbol, you effect change in what is symbolized."

Oneness University influence and the use of hypnosis are two vital aspects of Psychology of Vision that the Spezzanos say do not exist in their cult. But as we have demonstrated on this blog, the Spezzano's denials can be easily challenged and dismissed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the constellation concept influence of quack Bert Hellinger.

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