Saturday, October 20, 2018

Inspiriert von der Göttlichkeit sowie von Bert Hellinger und Chuck Spezzano

Regine Brandes is a medium who employs methods and covers topics such as Reiki, angelic channeling, magnified healing, chakra work, aura work, energy meridian work, card reading, shamanic healing, channeling power animals, retrieval of lost soul shares, training of medial skills, communication with the dead, Goddess discovery, Indigo children, Mists of Avalon, Atlantis, elves, gnomes, fairies, witchcraft, Hathor, and angel therapy.

She also performs constellation work that connects Chuck Spezzano to nutjob quack Bert Hellinger. It seems that many of Hellinger's methods and views, particularly the pseudoscience of "Family Constellations" have been absorbed into Psychology of Vision.

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