Friday, November 9, 2018

Chuck will take you by the hand

Oct. 24, 2018

It is unusual to see a flyer for a Psychology of Vision commercial presentation in central Europe that is presented in English so this one is worthy of note and we don't have to concern ourselves about the possible meaning garbled in translation. More comment following the images--

This Chuck Spezzano "intensive 4-day seminar" has, as they usually do, long hours for each day. Easier to break down your will that way. Also, in English, the word "seminar" suggests a group effort of give and take, but in the case of POV you give and they take.

This little show will cost the victims over 900 bucks American, not counting the travel, food, and lodging. Relatively speaking that is actually sort of inexpensive for a Chuck Spezzano event, but since this is taking place in Bavaria I am sure the turnout will be higher than most other places in Europe.

You'll notice that a faux-Tarot card set and Spezzano's newest book are being hustled at this shindig. These "seminars" are basically a marketing ploy as part of of his annual book tour, with the events having the same theme as his most recent monograph. He's been in the same rut for decades now.

Keeping the POV victims in a perpetual child-like state in relation to Chuck being a surrogate father-figure is clearly spelled out here.

"Experience – very intensely – the work of Chuck Spezzano! So join our intensive seminar! Any question you might have about your life, any door that wants to be opened to reveal your happiness and your success: During these upcoming four days Chuck will take you by the hand. He will clear the path for you by removing the blocks of the past. Thus, a new level of happiness and success will show up for you. We will work in particularly small groups, so the training effect will be remarkably profound for the participants. You will experience the fantastic scenery amongst the various lakes in the region (Staffelsee, Kochelsee and Walchensee). This will help you to get back to your innermost core of being. In close proximity to the Alps whilst facing its highest peak – the Zugspitze – you will clearly sense the healing power of the mountain range."

In addition to POV itself, this con game is assisted by Uwe Wiest and the so-called Soul Power Events comprised of Elke Kirchner-Young (an "angel medium") and Phillip Kansa (a "shaman" with the comical moniker of "Spirit Bear"). In other places online all of these promoters spread the lie that Spezzano has a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology," and that he is a "psychologist." I see they have learned to stop making those false claims here.

Chuck Spezzano is not even close to being a "psychologist." He is not a licensed professional in any field and has no business, expertise, or authority to hold this type of event.

"The Psychology of Vision® seminars are process-oriented work and consist of lecture units, individual, partner and/or group work, meditation and integration exercises and constellation work."

There is nothing "cutting edge" in Psychology of Vision, all of their nonsense has been swiped without credit from others. "Constellation work" traces back to nutjob quack Bert Hellinger.

Run away. Run away as fast as you can from Psychology of Vision. It is a personality cult full of amateurs posing as experts waiting to drain your bank account.

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