Thursday, July 30, 2020

Hugendubel can do better

 [Oct. 21, 2018]

We have been renewing our dedication in challenging every single lie, untruth, and piece of false advertising when it comes to Chuck and Lency Spezzano and their for-profit Psychology of Vision. Needless to say we have set ourselves up for a formidable task since everything about the Spezzanos and their cult is built on a foundation of fraud or something they have swiped from someone else.

In Europe, Chuck is frequently merchandised by booksellers and event promoters as having a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology" and having had experience as a "psychologist." Both claims are untrue but they have been spread far and wide by uncritical followers and New Age merchants.

As Lency Spezzano herself has correctly stated: "Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of  'hits' of viewers."

In our seemingly Quixotic quest to counter the countless times we find the Spezzano's credentials being inflated and falsified to increase their sales, we sometimes run into little rays of sunshine. Such is the case recently with the German bookseller Hugendubel (

We have created 32 posts on each case we could find where that particular bookseller was marketing Spezzano under false credentials. We have been doing the same thing with many other booksellers and event promoters as well. But unlike most of the others, Hugendubel has been recently removing the fake claims about Chuck Spezzano and we want to recognize them for their integrity, applaud their effort, and encourage them to continue.

We have discovered it isn't enough to simply create one post generally pointing out the Spezzano falsehoods out to booksellers or event promoters. Instead we have to highlight every single instance. It is the only way we can get their attention.

Isn't it kind of strange the Spezzanos themselves have not contacted all these marketers and merchandisers and told them to correct the outrageous inflated claims concerning their credentials? And what about the State of Hawaii Dept. of Commerce and Consumer Affairs officials who are supposed to clamp down on Charles Lee Spezzano as a condition of his 2004 court case (where he was fined for being a fake)  every time he is called a "psychologist"? And where are the investigative reporters? Or the German consumer protection officials?

The truth is that no one cares if the Spezzanos and Psychology of Vision operate a capitalist cult that is a small-time rinky-dink Mom and Pop cornball dying operation. There is no reward or recognition in exposing it. It is not sexy enough to make the news and it gets lost in the army of con artists the government regulators have to deal with. POV can thrive in the Age of Trump, an era of anti-regulation, anti-science, and anti-critical thinking.

So it is a sad comment that it is up to us ragtag international volunteers to inform the booksellers and promoters about the lies, which I am sure most of them spread unknowingly. It should be the responsibility of the Spezzanos to take an action and counter these falsehoods, but business ethics and accountability have never been their strong point. Plus, the lies help feed their bank account.

So, Hugendubel. You are halfway there and keep up the good work! We probably caught you in mid-process but the following items still need cleaning up:
[2/27/20: Partly corrected]
[10/21/18: Partly corrected] [10 down, Feb. 27, 2020] [2 down, Nov. 2, 2018] [8 down, Nov. 2, 2019] [1 down, Oct. 30, 2018] [11 down, Feb. 27, 2020] [3 down, Nov. 17, 2018] [6 down, May 20, 2019] [4 down, Nov. 17, 2018] [13 down, May 2, 2020] [5 down, Feb. 28, 2019] [7 down, May 20, 2019] [12 down, Mar. 26, 2020] [15 down, Aug. 21, 2020, although publisher-supplied "psychologist" lie remains] [14 down, May 2, 2020] [9 down, Jan. 17, 2020]


Year of the Cat said...

In response to this recent campaign, another vendor has removed all of Spezzano's products from their catalog after years marketing him under false credentials. We are making some headway.

Year of the Cat said...

Hugendubel was doing pretty good there but it appears they just pooped out, so we'll keep this post in rotation until they fix all of them.

Year of the Cat said...

One of Hugendubel's competitors, Bücher Buy Eva, has also started the process of correcting the Spezzano misinformation. We'll see which one of these corporations completes the task first.

Year of the Cat said...

Another vendor in Germany has decided to remove a Spezzano title from their catalog rather than simply correct the misinformation that Chuck is an "internationally renowned psychologist." I think in 2019 we are going to see a lot more of this.

Year of the Cat said...

Baeschlin Bücher has been correcting a number of these fake credentials in their catalog. Way to go, keep it up!

Year of the Cat said...

Buchhandlung Schmidt has been correcting a number of these fake credentials in their catalog as well. Good work, keep it up! We'll have to think of some kind of reward for the FIRST major bookseller to completely erase ALL of those false Spezzano credentials from their catalog.

Year of the Cat said...

JPC has removed Spezzano's fake, bogus credentials from over 60 online listings! Pretty much a clean sweep.

Year of the Cat said...

Ciando eBooks wiped out the fake Spezzano credentials in their advertising recently.

Year of the Cat said...

Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH has just wiped out the fake credentials from their Spezzano ads.

Year of the Cat said...

Audiotorium Netzwerk has just deleted Spezzano's bogus credentials from their ad.

Year of the Cat said...

Hofer Life has just erased the fake Spezzano credentials from their advertising

Year of the Cat said...

Skoobe has just eliminated the fake Spezzano credentials from their advertising.

Year of the Cat said...

Here's a big one. Thalia has just deleted all untrue Spezzano credentials from their advertising.

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