Tuesday, November 9, 2021

"Master" Chuck

A poster for a Chuck Spezzano event in Hawaii with  a "tuition" of $2000

These days it is not unusual to see Chuck Spezzano being called a "Master" by his followers. This is yet another bogus description alongside that of "psychologist," "clinical psychologist," "psychotherapist," etc. This man is a big fake.

According to Spezzano himself in 2013, "There's writings around a Course in Miracles that says there are more masters on the Earth today than at any other time."

Needless to say, Spezzano considers himself one of those "masters" if his marketing material is an indicator.

From what I can determine, Spezzano did not start encouraging the use of the "Master" title until about a decade ago (2008). It is a description mostly used by his Asian followers, but does show up in Canada as well. I am not seeing it so much in Europe, they simply call him a "psychologist"-- another enormous lie that Spezzano apparently is making no effort to stop. It's all about money, after all.

Being a "Master" would indicate a hierarchy with an authority figure at the tippy top. So much for the  supposedly "level" Psychology of Vision organizational chart claimed by Lency Spezzano. But we already knew that.

What does it mean to be a "Master" anyway? POV has never really defined the role, but from what I can ascertain it means this title refers to someone who claims to be more connected and closer to God than you are, you miserable worm. The "Master" is spiritually more evolved and superior to you and your lowly basic survival instincts. 

"Masters" are better than you so give them all your money because you would just waste it on stupid stuff like rent, food, and getting a proper education. Let them have it so they can send their children to expensive private schools,  afford cosmetic surgeries, and hire several housekeepers and groundskeepers-- basically living in an affluent lifestyle. 

"Master" is a bullshit title used by bullshitters. Want to be a victim? Then go ahead and sign up with these frauds. Chuck Spezzano and his legions of fellow "Master" con artists are waiting for your bank account with open arms.


Anonymous said...

Master bullshitters

Kostoyed Amoursky said...

Another POV event marketed under the radar and not advertised on any webpage of the cult. Looks like this one is sponsored in China or Taiwan and targeting Asian victims. Note the 2 grand "tuition" which I'm sure does not include travel, lodging, or food.


King of Pancakes said...

I wonder if the use of the "Master" prefix started as a result of the Spezzanos being influenced by their devotion to Amma and Bhagavan during the era when POV was essentially a subservient branch of Oneness University and Chuck and Lency became authorized Deeksha blessing givers? The timing would be right.

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