Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Confessions of a Failed Self-Help Guru / Michelle Goodman

Chuck Spezzano combines his book tours with appearances where he modestly stands in front of giant images of himself as he cultivates the Psychology of Vision personality cult. These photographs were taken in Malaysia in 2015.

Writer Michelle Goodman shares her experiences as a self-help capitalist attempting to play the game of merchandising not only her books, but herself as well. My favorite quote from her essay:

“It’s all smoke and mirrors,” my friend Cherise, a ghostwriter for a number of these bestselling gurus, told me the following week over tea, her Mission District apartment stuffed with piles of self-help books, CDs, and videos. “Many of these people are no more qualified to dole out life lessons than you or I.”

So true, especially with Chuck Spezzano and Psychology of Vision.

Check out her story:

1 comment:

Andre Duvalier said...

Is it possible Chuck himself employs a ghostwriter?

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