Friday, March 29, 2019

Working With Cult Survivors / by Gillie Jenkinson

UK-based Gillie Jenkinson, Ph.D., who unlike Chuck Spezzano is a real accredited and licensed professional in the field of psychology, penned an article entitled Working With Cult Survivors for Therapy Today in 2013.

Gillie, a former cult member herself, also works with sexual abuse and rape survivors. I'm sure she would be horrified at Chuck Spezzano's blame-the-victim tactics when it comes to violence against women.

Anyway.  Gillie's essay is worth reading. She provides the usual warnings about cults that apply to  Psychology of Vision and offers a nice explanation for how people can be tricked into falling for these scams:

For me, a good analogy is that of a frog in boiling water. If you put a frog into boiling water it will immediately jump out to try to escape the danger. But if you put it in cold water and then slowly heat it up, by the time the frog realises it is in danger, it is too late.

And hence-- the totally compliant and obedient  POV Trainer class, ready and willing to be groomed, supervised, drained of monetary savings, and told how to think by Chuck and Lency Spezzano. Zombies.

Psychology of Vision is a scam and a waste of effort for your precious time.  Professionals like Gillie can help you transition to a more rewarding and real life instead of existing to fill the bank account of some fraud, which is what Psychology of Vision is all about.

1 comment:

Kostoyed Amoursky said...

Her article begins:

"In 1973, aged 21, I joined what I thought was a group of passionate, loving people. I had no idea that I would be trapped for years. It was the start of a lost decade for me. The group I joined was called ‘The Love of God Community’ (LOGC). It had little to do with love or with God."

Sounds sort of like another group I know that has little to do with psychology or vision.

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