Sunday, October 31, 2021

Personal Growth: Is the Self-help Industry a Fraud? / by Jim Taylor Ph.D.

Jim Taylor wrote an article for Psychology Today back in 2011 that I suspect Chuck Spezzano would not want his potential book-buying customers, or his cult followers, to read.

I encourage you to read Dr. Taylor's short essay for yourself, but these two quotes from different parts of this work are really worth highlighting. I can't resist sharing them:

Numerous articles have been written about the disingenuousness and downright dishonesty of self-help gurus and their services and products (just do a web search of "self-help industry" and see for yourself). We hear the outrageous promises of fast and easy change that simply affirm the well-known saying often attributed to P. T. Barnum, "There's a sucker born every minute." We hear claims cloaked in scientific language (e.g., the Law of Attraction offered in The Secret is, according to its author Rhonda Byrnes, a natural law as real as gravity). We hear the sardonic commentary that the only people who are being helped are the gurus who are making millions off of gullible buyers of self-help books, CDs, and DVDs.


So if you're looking for a quick and easy path to change from any self-help book, CD, or DVD that promises you instant and effortless change, put it back on the shelf or return it to amazon. I can assure you that you're wasting your money and time. 

Chuck Spezzano cranks out about one self-help book annually generally for a German-speaking audience and then spends the rest of the year on a book-selling tour using the theme of the published work as his lecture/workshop topic, events that require steep fees to attend. This money-making formula hasn't changed much, and neither has has writings. It is basically the same book with the words just shuffled around. Spezzano has been on automatic pilot for quite some time.

Spezzano's latest book demonstrates both the impact of how Donald Trump has lowered the standards of American public discourse, and perhaps also how desperate Spezzano is becoming as his Psychology of Vision enterprise is rapidly declining. The title of the book is: Why Shit Happens.

Charming. Such class.

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