Friday, March 27, 2020

Lency Spezzano Speaks About Money

[The following post by StevenL originally appeared in the now dormant Morty the Dog blog on Oct. 17, 2013. Not all of the original embedded links remain active so I have taken the editorial step of inserting substitute links within the text if possible]

Lency Spezzano Speaks About Money

I was sauntering through YouTube and revisited my favorite Lency Spezzano performance, the one where she spins around (, and noticed some defensive remarks she made in the comments section in response to a person (not me, really it isn't) who was warning consumers to stay away: "This isn't about healing anything other than the Spezzano bank accounts. Why pay your hard earned money to people who will hypnotize and mistreat you?"

Seems true enough to me.

Among Lency's multiple responses was this gem: "There are about 50 of us PoV Trainers around the world, and so far none of us has gotten rich off leading the trainings. :) It is a high overhead business, and it is a challenging lifestyle."

PoV is Psychology of Vision, the name of the for-profit business run by Lency and Chuck Spezzano. We can deal with the hypnosis and mistreatment charges later, but let us focus on the money for now.

Lency's statement is probably true. 48 of the trainers probably have not gotten rich. But if she is including herself and Chuck to round out the number to 50, then that's another matter.

For openers, according to the PoV Trainers Manual (, one reason the trainers get a bite out of their income is that they have to pay an annual license fee to the Spezzanos. And the higher you get in their pyramid, the more you have to pay, or so it would seem. In 2010 it ranged from $4500 to $8000 a year, but let's allow for spiritual inflation and average the 50 trainers (Lency said there were 52 in another place) at $6500.

Annual total: $325,000.

Me? I'd love to rake in that annual amount and would count myself rich. The Spezzanos collect this every year for doing nothing. I mean, it is a "license." Personally I could easily retire on that and just collect the license fees.

God doesn't like that sort of behavior. Hence, it is my mission to shed light on this operation. I'm on a mission from God ( and The Voice told me PoV needs to be investigated. The Voice I hear is more authentic than Chuck's. I grew up on a farm, with nature, and unlike the Spezzanos I know God is not a male figure who can be "downloaded" and appoints messengers who charge big fees. God is free to everyone. There is no charge for praying. And we all get to choose what sort of God works for us. Or not even have a God at all. That's the beauty and richness of the human experience. The Spezzanos want to strip you of that and have you think old Chuck and Lency are God's Anointed Ones. Hahahahahaha! That's a good one.

Oh, but wait. There's much more. Much more.

Chuck charges ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS AN HOUR ( so you can have the honor of consulting with Heaven's messenger who can cure cancer, AIDS (, and change women's bra size ( So, who knows how many people jump into this amazing once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Let us guess at three a month. That totals $36,000 a year. But that is a stab in the dark. Could be more, could be less.

Running total: $361,000

Then we get to the workshops. In Zurich last month they charged $1800 per head. Let's say 20 people attended. That's 36 grand. Then let's say this is only once a month all year, that's $432,000 a year.

Total so far: $793,000

Then we have the $3000 apprenticeship programs, the accessories such as more publications, etc., etc. and you can see this outfit easily rakes in more than a million a year. And my estimate is on the very conservative side. Last December the site chamberofcommerce .com  estimated the Spezzano empire to pile in between half a million to a million a year.

Then of course we have Lency's own YouTube giving us a tour of her "exclusive" condo in Hawaii.

Yup, the trainers are probably not getting rich. But somebody is.

Follow the money, boys!

Posted by stevenl at 5:11 AM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
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Labels: Chuck Spezzano, greed, Lency Spezzano, Psychology of Vision

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