Friday, October 29, 2021

NAFPS Selections: I went back to one of my past lives during sessions with Uncle Chuck

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," August 10, 2014]:

 Chuck and Lency Spezzano in the act of "joining" with clients at different events


A few days ago while covering the strong SALPOV/Oneness University connection I ran across another topic of interest, the Spezzano use of past life regression. This was thanks to cult follower Angel Peng, who wrote--


    Saturday, January 19, 2008
    Deeksha Boy
    You know, I have always suspected that Ace is someone who has high practice in spirituality in his past lives for a few reasons. (Even my mum agrees and thinks so)

    Firstly, when I went back to one of my past lives during sessions with Uncle Chuck, I found out that Max used to be my fellow monk! So we made a joke out that Ace, in that case, must have been our MASTER! (Since he is effectively our 'boss' now ;) hahaha)

We have encountered this subject several times in this forum but have never really focused on it. An infamous example can be found of how Charles Lee Spezzano used the concept of past lives and was employing it as a way to blame the victim in the case of birth defects in the odious Healing Metaphors, co-authored with Janie Ticehurst.

I would provide a link, but all traces of this source have been purged, Kim Jung-un style, for public inspection on Internet after we started bringing attention to it and asking legitimate questions. It was even censored on the Internet Archive, that's how ashamed they were of their character assassination of the disabled. But, we here at NAFPS as part of our public service and effort to educate the consumer, managed to preserve the better examples--


    Down's Syndrome

    Down’s syndrome is a congenital abnormality (one that is present at birth). It is the result of having an extra chromosome in our genetic make-up, usually number 21 or 22.

    Down’s causes moderate to severe mental retardation, oriental appearance of eyes, flat nose or absent bridge of nose, a single palmer [sic] crease on a short broad hand and a dwarfed body.

    If we have Down’s syndrome, it means that we have come to learn some lessons at a soul level. We are here to seek soul fulfillment and the completion of a cycle, yet we are stuck in the transition between the old level and the new.

    The two main soul lessons of Down’s syndrome are correcting over-willfulness and giving up the ego’s plan in exchange for heaven’s plan.


    Birth Defects

    A birth defect is an abnormality that is present at birth.

    It represents unfinished business from ancestral patterns and/or a past life metaphor. We are being called to heal this soul level issue.

    The area of the body affected can give us more information about the metaphoric meaning of this symptom.

Such a class act, eh?

So, back to the main thesis. What exactly is "past life regression"? Well, let us check three very different sources for a definition. First, the junk food of information storage, the ever popular vox populi Wikipedia--


    Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations, though others regard them as fantasies or delusions or a type of confabulation. Past life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psychotherapeutic setting. Most advocates loosely adhere to beliefs about reincarnation, though religious traditions that incorporate reincarnation generally do not include the idea of repressed memories of past lives.

Now let us move to the Television Goddess of the New Age, Oprah--


    In May 2008, Dr. Oz introduced viewers of The Oprah Show to Dr. Brian Weiss and his study of past-life regression. Dr. Weiss uses hypnosis to lead his patients back in time to their earliest memories. Then he takes them even further back to what he says are their previous lives. From that point, Dr. Weiss says he and his patients are able to examine the experiences that seemed to have formed the roots of their current fears and phobias. Dr. Weiss says if you can connect your current fears to a past life, those fears will often disappear.

And finally, from the Skeptic's Dictionary--


    Past Life Regression

    Past life regression (PLR) is the alleged journeying into one's past lives while hypnotized. While it is true that many patients recall past lives, it is highly probable that their memories are false memories. The memories are from experiences in this life, pure products of the imagination, intentional or unintentional suggestions from the hypnotist, or confabulations.

Notice something all three of these have in common? That's right, the use of hypnosis. Lenora Kay Spezzano has told us that hypnosis is not used in SALPOV. In the Ripoff Report she said so directly--


    Do we use hypnosis? No.

Do they use hypnosis? Yes.

That is my opinion, which I can express as a free person. I do not agree with her claims that she "downloads" heavenly forces. It is pretty obvious, as in the following link, what is happening in her Youtube "joining" sessions.
[Substitute link]

Back to past life regression. If we agree PLR involves hypnosis, then Lenora is possibly not the only one of the SALPOV corporate executive team incorporating this practice into their manipulation of cult followers in order to loosen those checkbooks.

Here's a page from Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality / by Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall (notice the inaccurate description of Charles as a "psychologist"). These paragraphs reveal some of the tricks of the trade and how the "past lives" concept is used to manipulate the client--

[Substitute link]

And now we hear from Charles himself.

Charles Lee Spezzano, July 13, 2013


    HEALING PAST LIFE METAPHORS is the card for today. Call them what you will, we have these unconscious stories that pattern our minds, emotions and lives setting up what occurs. These can be healed as easily as anything. They depend on remaining hidden. As soon as you find what they are you can change them. Dark stories depict unlearned lessons and mistaken choices. Instead of these stories we can invite love and Divine Presence into changing the pattern and filling the story with light, love and miracles and redoing it, learning the lesson involved.

    You can see these stories in dreams or through hypnosis or with strong intention, asking for Heaven's help and using your intuition you can do the same. Ask yourself if you were to know is this story in a certain country. Then ask if in the story you are a man or woman. Next ask what happened in that story that's causing all the problems and affecting you now. After reflecting on that a bit, ask that love and Divine Presence fill that story ever since you were a little child. Ask for miracles of love and see yourself sharing those and being given to everyone and everything in that story. How are things turning out now. Bring the successful energy of that story through your whole mind correcting it and right up to the present moment. If the story didn't get better much, there is a hidden resistance that wants something more than healing. You can choose again what you want. You might want to ask what the other agenda is and consider if that is what you really want....have a good one!

You all caught that "hypnosis" mention, right?

Well, you know what they say, "Never give a seeker an even break."


Lloyd Bridges said...

The more I read about Psychology of Vision the creepier it gets. Hypnosis? "Uncle" Chuck? Blaming the victim of Down's Syndrome?

Get me home said...

The use of hypnosis in POV is something very downplayed, and sometimes even denied, by the management of that corporation. Unlike several other states, Hawaii has no consumer protection laws regarding hypnotherapy, so the Spezzanos are getting a free ride by employing it without any accountability or transparency.

Helen Schucman said...

The use of the term "Uncle" Chuck is more disturbing than anything else here. It suggests an air of familiarity that crosses boundaries into the cultish and unprofessional. But that is apparently how POV operates.

Year of the Cat said...

"Hypnotherapy" is listed as one of Chuck Spezzano's interests in his LinkedIn profile. Of course the Spezzanos use hypnosis, although they would not lower themselves to call it that. They just use fancier New Age terms-- same old thing in brand new clothes. Fa-fa-fashion, y'know.

Personally I would not allow myself to be placed under hypnosis by people I do not trust or respect, and neither one of the Spezzanos are qualified to be administering any coaching or psychological advice to anyone, no matter what their misleading marketing tells you. If anything, they should be seeking such assistance themselves from mental health services provided by real professionals with real credentials.

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