Monday, October 25, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Bullies, and desperate ones who just want to shut up critics

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "educatedindian," May 13, 2014]:

POV has sent letters to three critics in an attempt to silence and intimidate them and force a public apology. The critics shared the letters with NAFPS mods. They agreed to our commenting upon the letters. I decline to post any of the critics' names, though two of them said it was OK to do so for them.

The letter claims to be from a reputable law firm, but it's nothing like any I've ever seen. Two lawyers consulted by the critics agree, in their words, "It's pure BS" and legally useless. I seriously wonder if a junior employee at the firm sent the document on the company letterhead without the firm's knowledge or approval.

In fact, the form is "signed" by the typed in name of the firm "Donald Sutherland and Associates", followed by simply two big initials, said to be Donald Sutherland's. I highly doubt the firm would send a letter not listing the lawyer allegedly handling the case. The letter also lacks legal language and instead accuses the three critics of defamation simply for having an opinion about POV.

The letter claims the firm has taken over 300 screen shots of posts by the three critics at half a dozen websites including NAFPS. It goes on to try and give a little history lesson in libel law, almost like a junior law clerk wrote it.

Finally the letter was not sent by courier. It's the kind of thing perhaps one person at the firm agreed to do as a courtesy, hoping to bluff someone.

There are also three letters of apology the firm allegedly demands the critics sign within ten days. Those ten days passed four days ago, with no further action. Pretty safe to say those letters and threatened deadline failed.

The three things that POV or the firm claims were libelous are:
That POV harmed Native communities.
That POV people may have used hypnotism.
That people taking part in POV have been harmed.

I don't claim to be an expert in Canadian law, but under US law none of those arguments are even remotely libelous. Clearly people have been harmed by POV, esp NDNs. Funds that could have been used to actually help and heal people have been diverted to POV. Some of the POV people were clearly trained in hypnotism, so to point to the possibility of that being used is not libelous.

That POV would resort to this shows makes them look to be bullies, and desperate ones who just want to shut up critics.


Walter Burke said...

The Spezzanos tout themselves as world famous public figures, so expecting criticism should come with the territory. But it is so much easier to blame than to accept responsibility.

John Doe, Ph.D. said...

OK, let us look at the Spezzano demands and the apology they expect:

That POV harmed Native communities. [But they have in fact caused incredible harm. That is beyond debate. The actions of POV trainer Babs Stevens alone in Skidegate is testimony to how much damage POV has done to FN culture. She sold out her public trust and culture to serve a couple of bloated Americans. And those who enabled her at the local, provincial, and federal level are just as guilty]

That POV people may have used hypnotism. [Of course they do. Just look at Lency's videos, plus the frequent mention of "hypnotherapy" and use of hypnosis in POV blather. Oh waitaminnit. Lency removed most of those videos from public view. Why? Interesting.]

That people taking part in POV have been harmed. [This is of course relative, but as Lency would say, the narrative evidence I have points to POV offering a quick fix for a large fee with no follow-up. In fact, I know of cases where former POV clients really needed desperate assistance but their calls for help were ignored by the Spezzanos. See, the Spudheads are accountable to no one since they are not licensed and are not professionals. They can do what they want. Once they have your money they really don't give two shits about you unless they know you are going to cough up more dough for their already overstuffed bank account so they can afford to pay for their botox treatments.]

Such an evil scam. When we critics call the Spezzanos on their bullshit they wrap themselves in martyr cloth and whine to their followers that we are haters and evil cyber bullies. They are exhibiting the same sort of crybaby/bully tactics as used by Donald Trump.

All the POV critics I personally know are kind and gentle people who have an agenda of promoting free thought, individual freedom, and promoting social justice. All of us see the Psychology of Vision doctrine as being counter to that, and existing only to stuff more money into the Spezzano vault.

If you care about human freedom and dignity-- If you care about truth and decency-- If you care about your soul-- then stay away from Psychology of Vision. It is a sleazy scam.

Tom Dobbs said...

It is a safe bet the Spezzanos would be found guilty of being frauds in any court of law in any country just as Chuck was convicted of being a faker in Hawaii in 2004.

Psychology of Vision is an American for-profit corporation created for one purpose-- to make money. In the process of achieving this goal POV has left a long record of lying, fakery, manipulation, fraud, bullying vulnerable people into joining a personality cult, and hiding behind a facade of posing as professional and credentialed healers. These are people who are filled with negative energy, man.

Psychology of Vision is just a big pile of bullshit. It is run by unqualified charlatans who have demonstrated they care more about their bank account than they do about you. Run away from POV. Run away.

Kostoyed Amoursky said...

I would be more impressed with the Spezzano's quest for "truth" if they made legal moves against the long list of POV promoters who have jeopardized Chuck Spezzano's 2004 Hawaiian court conviction conditions by making false statements about his "professional" credentials. Let's see the Spezzano's send legal warnings and seek damages from Django Hediger, Frankfurter Ring, Pierre Franckh, Lynne Franks, Arielle Essex, Julian and Janie Ticehurst, Avril Woodward, Uwe Wiest, Amram Events, Vielharmonie, Beat Scheuermeier, Basler Psi Verein, Elke Kirchner, Robert Holden, Michael North, Peter Granger, and a small army of other New Age capitalists including POV itself!

Chuck Spezzano is not a "psychologist." His non-APA accredited degree is in the basically worthless "Professional Psychology" name, not much above that of a mail-order title. Not in "Clinical Psychology." He has never performed or published professional level peer-reviewed research. He is a fraud enabled by other frauds and/or those living in total denial.

ninnorfestus said...

The truth will always surface, no matter how many online outlets get shut down, no matter how many lives are wrecked by POV, no matter how many of the cult followers deny the facts right in front of them. There are now too many voices that will not be silent. There is more than one of us here.

yanno said...

To paraphrase Paul Henreid in the role of Victor Laszlo in "Casablanca":

"And what if you track down these critics and silence them, what if you censored all of us? From every corner of Europe, hundreds, thousands would rise up to take our places. Even Psychology of Vision can't kill free thought and speech that fast."

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