Friday, March 27, 2020

Look deep into my eyes

Interesting that the article being discussed, Staring Into Someone's Eyes For 10 Minutes Can Alter Your Consciousness, doesn't exactly sell the concept of "joining." In fact, parts of it would seem to dissuade anyone from taking part:

After 10 minutes, participants then filled in questionnaires about their experiences in the room, which revealed some rather intriguing effects. According to the British Psychological Society, those in the group that faced one another described higher levels of attenuated color intensity than controls, with noises seeming louder than they should. Time seemed to slow down and they felt spaced out. Additionally, almost 90% of them said their partner’s face appeared deformed, 75% saw monstrous beings and 15% even saw traits of a relative’s face emerge on their partner.

The sensations reported, Caputo says, indicate symptoms of dissociation, a term used to describe a departure from one’s connection with reality. Interestingly, he found that these symptoms correlated with facial deformity, but not the appearance of strange faces. He hypothesizes that these hallucinations, so-called “strange-face apparitions,” could be a consequence of snapping back to “reality” after entering a dissociative state brought about by the lack of sensory stimulation.

"Downloading/Joining" as demonstrated on Lency's videos, provide a strong case that she is employing stage hypnosis. "Look deep into my eyes" indeed.


Joseph Wardell said...

If "Joining" is so wonderful and needs more exposure, why did Lency remove most of her Youtubes on the subject from public view?

Betty came by on her way said...

It is pretty obvious none of the Facebook commenters here actually read the article, they just took the headline at (pun intended) face value. Lack of critical thinking can make one an easy lump of clay to manipulate. Notice the "In" crowd reference, not exactly something to emulate.

Vinnie the Jazzman said...

Lency claims that her work is "cutting edge" yet cites no evidence or presents any data on the results. Why have neither one of the Spezzanos contributed to the professional literature where their work can be examined and tested by those in the field?

Hmm. Perhaps it is due to the fact neither one of the Spezzanos are professionals in the field of psychology themselves. They can claim they have helped thousands and have devoted followers offer testimonials, but that doesn't prove anything. As we documented on this blog, both Spezzanos have a rather tenuous relationship with truth-- a failing that is enabled by the blind devotion of cult followers who are more in love with their need to believe than with the facts, which is a situation Chuck and Lency are more than eager to exploit to their financial benefit.

Anonymous said...

"Joining" is also one of the several "Steps to Leadership," POV's spinoff scam.

Jerry Landers said...

"My Master and friend"?!?

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