Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist -- "Even Chuck himself says that his Psychology is a hoax"
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Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Facebook Response
This Facebook response to Chuck Spezzano was posted in late 2013, although the source post was apparently protected from public view.
Who do you think you're foolin'?
Jutta is responding to a message only the internal POV people get to see. I imagine it went something like: The critics are afraid and threatened of what POV represents because of some unresolved issue in their own lives. Don't buy into these astral attacks, just ignore them because they will distract and suck away your positive energy. They represent independent thinking and we are full of Oneness and Love. Love. Love. Now please pay your expensive workshop fee, shut up, and don't engage the enemy. It is us vs. them. Thank you.
Just an idea and I could be wrong but I suspect Jutta is displaying another case of displaced anger. Deep down many POV followers know they have been conned, but due to pride, or buyer's remorse, of an inability to face the truth, they displace that shame and anger at having played the fool and project that negative energy on those who question the actions of Psychology of Vision. Mostly they hate hate HATE being laughed at, which is unfortunate for them since Psychology of Vision is so incredibly absurd.
Jutta is responding to a message only the internal POV people get to see. I imagine it went something like: The critics are afraid and threatened of what POV represents because of some unresolved issue in their own lives. Don't buy into these astral attacks, just ignore them because they will distract and suck away your positive energy. They represent independent thinking and we are full of Oneness and Love. Love. Love. Now please pay your expensive workshop fee, shut up, and don't engage the enemy. It is us vs. them. Thank you.
So far no comment promoting or defending POV has ever been turned away or deleted from this blog.
Just an idea and I could be wrong but I suspect Jutta is displaying another case of displaced anger. Deep down many POV followers know they have been conned, but due to pride, or buyer's remorse, of an inability to face the truth, they displace that shame and anger at having played the fool and project that negative energy on those who question the actions of Psychology of Vision. Mostly they hate hate HATE being laughed at, which is unfortunate for them since Psychology of Vision is so incredibly absurd.
Shun the nonbeliever! Shun! Shuuuuuun!
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