Monday, October 25, 2021

My 4 Days Life Changing Course of Psychology of Vision

"My 4 Days Life Changing Course of Psychology of Vision" is the only post in the blog Hentak Kaki Cepat Hentak, from Singapore, Oct. 5, 2008. The title of the blog in Singapore is a drill command for "Quick Mark Time"

Sunday, October 5, 2008
My 4 days life changing course of Psychology Of Vision
Hmm. so my retreat of 4 day workshop has come to an end. what is the course about?
Its Psychology of Vision.. And mine am I lucky. My 1st! and it comes from the Master Trainer himself "Dr Chuck". If u know the guy, hes good! and hes real gd @ psychic.. reading ur mind.. charkras, numerology. and e best part; with sexuality jokes. His forte.

People say that with his legacy of 4 other master trainers in his team, each has its own special healing power and side.

and can u believe it? i actually paid $1800 for it. wow. it is by far the most expensive course i have gone through so far. Remarkable. that must be 1st big breakthrough i have stepped out. but i mean, whats the amt anyay. Not a big deal really. compared to the massive amt of things i actually heal from the course. Like they always said how much u receive is how much u given out!

But well.. Reality-check-back in place..
dude.. im real broke! Boo hoo. can anyone help me? im in dire need to improve my finanacial status currently. People who know me in person will know.. i have a family to feed... !!! anyone needs a maid ? I can be 1. Just kidding. but seriously, if you guys have any assignments or lobangs, let me know. Im more than willing to earn $$.

Is it silly of me? i mean not knowing how to plan my finance well n spent it on course so big amt instead? Am i not thinking? well... at least i knew my wife will think so.
(but in fact i do know shes a great wife, bcos although she felt no signifiacne of the course and such, not least interested, she didnt stop me from attending. Thank you my beloved)

2ndly i hva to thank Yanni Jie and CJ ( e loovey couple) for introducing me to the course. CJ im sorry i was rather unhappy with u. cos i felt u didnt kept ur promise. u said i could take a pic w/ Dr Chuck just now. but u escorted him out after the workshop ended. that is despite i have signalled and reminded u again. the least u could do was to ask on my behalf for me. at least u tried. But anyway, taht aside. im just doing a confession. Iv forgive u. I lay e expectations of u. Its my bad. I realised i ought to thank u instead. for letting me know of such a workshop in e 1st place!

And Jack. my mentor.. or rather ex mentor. or exangel. i missed u! I agree after linkup after my POV course ended to see u for sharing session, I was unhappy that u felt i was judging u. ( u know e part abt the "independant part" Yanni asked to convey the msg onto u) but after much thoughts i could understand i should not blame you. y should i? I was just judging u judging me. And the biggest TRAP is that Judgement kills. Judgement is just the EGO telling me compensation of needs. And that is where it all started.. Attacking myself.. Slash Slash" och!

I have since manifest and ask for forgiveness and blessed u all. including my beloved wife, destin my son. my parents , my brothers and all my very caring friends and significant specials that have crossed my life paths these 25 years.

Wow.. what a few lessons learnt few hours after the course ended. and i havent even
garduate the anniverary of 1 day. Imagine what 1 wk will be.. its getting interesting really. Abt life.

Seriously my in depth feeling currently. Now that the course ended.
Im feeling the 1st pain now as im writing this.
They called it "regretion b4 end" it means the fear of the course completion.
So its a term where u know some people fall into traps of repeated occurances wheere just before a major project finishes, the team members in it destroy it. bocos part of them inner self is resisting the completing. they are afraid of losing each other. Afraid to move on next lvl. where they may never see once another again. where thay may not be doing the same usual project knowing whats happening next again. eveything becomes uncertain.

But i guess for me now, the best way to describe it now is regretion after end. cos the course ended. I miss my team..

Like they said during the 1st day of workshop,
How our team mates, Our buddy represent part of us in life. They are there for a reason, purppose. Like how universe has choosen us to be together.

Louis ( who manifested as my daddy fathery figure sense of comfort)
Veron ( who manifested as my mummy - tm leader)
Summer ( who manifested as my angel coz she always seemed so bubbly n confident)
Hwee Noi ( who manifested as my wife and my significant Ex - buddy )
pps: by e way, buddy u looked very adorable and nice i must confess i was attracted to u at some point or another during e 4 days with u. im sorry. i hope no 1 gets offended when reads this. but im just speaking my heart. nothing much really :)
Victor ( who manifested as my mini me coz hes seemed to be the leader to lead the way same history like finding back PURPOSE in life)
pps: people who know me well will know i have been living like a living dead for god damn since u know how long coz of these layers and layers of hurt and pain. Most importantly Victor means victory. as i want myself to be too!

So with that, i also manifest and pray e best for u all!

Gd nite and hear from me again... which i will talk abt e workshop. I know i havent started.

- Signed: Warren Oh.
Posted by Hi, I am that Patrick ? at 9:08 AM No comments:


Milk Creak, the Composer said...

"If u know the guy, hes good! and hes real gd @ psychic.. reading ur mind.. charkras, numerology. and e best part; with sexuality jokes. His forte."


Richard Hannay said...

One day the #metoomovement is going to catch up to Chuck Spezzano. It will be fun to watch how he uses his con artist skills to squirm out of that one.

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