Monday, March 9, 2020

Cosmicity enables the fables

Cosmicity perpetuates three major fables in this promo piece for Chuck Spezzano:

1. Chuck is called a "psychologist."

Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist. He was fined in 2004 by the State of Hawaii for posing as a professional when in fact he lacks even the basic credentials to qualify for a license to practice in that state.

2. Cosmicity says Spezzano has a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology."

Spezzano's 1977 dissertation declares his degree was in  "Professional Psychology." This degree is very exotic and was not accredited by the APA, meaning it is basically as useful as getting a mail-order degree.

3.  From 1973 to 1979, he worked as a psychologist at the United States Naval Drug Rehabilitation Center, says Comicity.

Spezzano did work there under various job titles, but never as a licensed "psychologist."

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