Monday, October 18, 2021

3 Ways to Recognize Spiritual Charlatans

 April 2016

Today I stumbled across an article entitled 3 Ways to Recognize Spiritual Charlatans : How to stay far, far away from spiritual charlatans, scam-artists and New Age bullshitters / by Aaron Piccirillo.

I enjoyed reading this piece very much since so much of it applied to Chuck and Lency Spezzano and Psychology of Vision.

In particular, this passage by Piccirillo really grabbed my attention:

Another red flag is being charged incredibly large sums of money, especially for goods or services that have no quantifiable effect on you or any solid effect in the real world. Is someone charging you $1000 for a short session to “bring more light to your astral body” or “cut your negative vibrational emotional cords”? Do you know what they mean by this, exactly? Can they explain it without the use of vague, clichéd or confusing terminology, and are you just accepting their definitions without critical thinking or analysis? What is the basis for such claims?

"Astral attacks" is a staple in POV paranoia, and the Prince Rupert BC wing of POV regularly markets their "vibrational" skills. Don't forget "split minds" or other such nonsense.

But $1000 an hour? Who would charge such a ridiculous amount for a brief session? Oh, wait, here's an ad posted by POV trainer Avril Woodward that was up for several years on the website, so apparently it had a blessing from Chuck Spezzano himself since according to the Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual the Spezzanos have frequent consultations with their herd and they could have stopped this early on. But they didn't.


So here's the deal and either way the Spezzanos are screwed. First, if they knew about this promotion, which I am sure they did since it is was online for a few years and even increased in price up to $1100 an hour, that exposes them as just being plain greedy and egotistical. A guy with a bogus non-accredited APA Ph.D. from an extinct school and is not a licensed professional is not worth a grand for 60 minutes of time. He sounds like a man with a  Trump-like Messiah complex. The very idea is so Reaganesque, which is the era that fertilized POV. The Spezzanos pretend to support Obama through their rhetoric, but their actions are closer to that of Ron the Con or The Donald.

Second, if they didn't know about this, which is highly unlikely, then they are guilty of gross negligence over the management of their empire. Since POV also markets themselves as business experts, do you really want clowns like this advising you? The situation mirrors Reagan in the Iran/Contra scandal-- if he knew then that was bad. And if he didn't know, that was bad too.

This same website called Chuck Spezzano "one of the world's leading psychologists."

Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist by any stretch of the imagination. And as far as "world's leading" goes, even Wikipedia rejected him as we have recorded! Lying in promotional material in order to impress and lure converts to this personality cult is normal in Psychology of Vision, particularly in Germany, as documented on this blog. This is a toxic for-profit corporation pretending to be something spiritual and they have no problem about posing as professionals and lying about the credentials of their beloved guru if it helps increase revenue. Spezzano's inner circle lies about his credentials, and like Reagan, all who are connected with this toxic waste group are contaminated whether they knew they were lying or not.

The English speaking world has demonstrated that many of them understand this poisonous connection and have sought to distance themselves from POV. Even current UK POV trainer Alex Patchett-Joyce (one of only two left in the UK after a dramatic drop in membership) buries the fact she is a Psychology of Vision trainer in her Facebook promotions, you have to dig a couple layers to discover her connection with POV.  You have to really search around in order to discover she is  actually part of this cult. 

These questions spill over into the POV spinoff "Steps to Leadership," which is another major scam.

It's all about the money:


Tom Joad said...

Alex is now the only POV trainer in the UK

Tom Joad said...

Also, the "Prince Rupert wing" are no longer trainers with POV.

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