Saturday, February 10, 2018

Jörn Mohr

Hypnosis coach Jörn Mohr describes the links between NLP, Chuck Spezzano, and hypnotherapy in his work.

The original German is presented along with a Google English translation:


 About me

My career

I was born in 1975 in Berlin-Spandau (then Berlin West).

After studying tourism in Heidelberg, I worked in a congress agency in my hometown Berlin and in a language school in Weinheim before I started in 2001 at the scientific Springer publishing house in Heidelberg. There I worked in support for an online portal, later in the editorial department of chemistry, where I supervised the authors of scientific books internationally and accompanied their works from the manuscript to the finished book (project management). My third job was in marketing for SpringerMedizin, where I organized the publisher's congressional appearances and was partly on-site.

How did I come to hypnosis?

I have always been interested in psychology and devoured many psychological non-fiction books. Through a friend, in 2006, I came to the topic of "Power of Thought / Subconsciousness", which fascinated me. I can not say exactly how I came to hypnosis, but all roads led in that direction at that time. I remember a lecture by dr. Gunther Schmidt and Prof. dr. Gerald Hüther (brain researcher) in Heidelberg, whom I visited to find out that trance / hypnosis is in principle the same work with the subconscious as the "desires". I also found it interesting that hypnosis is one of the areas where most of the studies have been conducted and is scientifically recognized.

I wanted to know more about hypnosis and learn the techniques, so in 2008 I attended the first seminar on Hypno (se) therapy at the DIEK in Berlin. There I realized that this work suits me perfectly, that I have "arrived" and found in this work my "vocation".

This was followed in the years thereafter by further hypnosis seminars, including rapid hypnosis, trauma deprogramming and training as a hypnosis coach.
I attended further seminars on topics such as repatriation, energetic correcting according to the Yuen method and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), and I like to continue my education.

In 2011, I reduced my permanent employment to part-time and started working part-time in private practice with people. Since July 2013 I am (completely) self-employed and since May 2014 I offer my sessions in my own rooms in Hirschberg-Leutershausen (photos can be found here ).

I have already been able to help many people with my work. These included long-term sleep problems, nicotine addiction, severe overweight, various anxieties, migraine, atopic dermatitis and tinnitus. Please read the experiences of my customers under Achievements.

This work gives me a lot personally because it helps other people to make big changes in their lives in a short space of time. And I can say with conviction that I love my work and therefore live my vocation.

My approach is to uncover and resolve the causes, the why, rather than merely treating symptoms with suggestions. I think holistically and see the human being as a trinity of body, mind and soul. Thus, depression and burnout can have a mental cause, as well as a physical due to lack of vital substances. Therefore, it is important to find the true origin.

My work has become more spiritual over time because I've found that it has become all the more effective, and besides classic hypnotherapy, it's inspired by Robert Betz, Chuck Spezzano and Pierre Franckh, among others.

The causes of our topics are not only in our childhood, but also in the line of ancestors, in earlier lives or are sometimes taken over by people in the environment.
I combine psychology and spirituality - hypnosis and mental healing, as well as constellation work.

Despite many signs in my life that go back to childhood, I realized only in early 2016 that I am highly sensitive or sensitive. Above all, I feel the emotions that my counterpart does not perceive because he controls and oppresses them, I am intuitive and sensitive, socially committed and much more. With this realization, all at once everything made sense and I am even more confirmed in the fact that I am the right path for me and am pleased with the healing success that I could achieve in hundreds to thousands of clients.

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