Saturday, May 18, 2019

Frankfurter Ring Says Chuck Spezzano is Currently a "Clinical Psychologist"

 Dec. 2015

In a promotional site for Spezzano's 2016 visit to Germany, the Frankfurter Ring falsely advertises Chuck Spezzano as a "clinical psychologist." This is just one of many instances over the years where the Frankfurter Ring has misrepresented Spezzano's credentials. Apparently they never did a background check, or, they just don't care as long as the money flows. These are events where a commercial profit is realized for Spezzano.

Chuck Spezzano is not a clinical psychologist. He does not have a degree in clinical psychology. Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist at all. 

Questions concerning the credibility and business ethics of all concerned here should be a good topic for those many POV study groups, but somehow I doubt they'll want to tackle this.

[Update: Feb. 21, 2016: I see the link now takes you to a revised version of the workshop, and the "clinical psychologist" reference has been removed.]
[Update: June 13, 2016: Original link is now dead] 


balderdash hunter said...

Chuck claims that he can help people communicate better. Yet he himself has failed to communicate clearly.
He is not a psychologist. So he needs to send an email to all POV staff and promoters: "I, Chuck Spezzano, am not a psychologist. I am a life coach. Please immediately remove all claims that I am a psychologist. Please make sure everything is corrected and then email me back that you have done so.".

Anonymous said...

It is particularly interesting when those who are close to Spezzano make the claim that Chuck is a psychologist, or a clinical psychologist, or has a degree in clinical psychology. The Frankfurter Ring, Arielle Essex, Robert Holden, Django Hediger, Avril Woodward, Michael North, the list is endless. Where did they all get this false impression and why hasn't Spezzano taken steps to correct it?

Anonymous said...

What is Brita Dahlberg's or Chuck Spezzano's incentive for correcting this? The lie has now become a profitable truth in the minds of cash-paying customers.

Alonzo Mosely said...

It makes one wonder how many other false credentials the Frankfurter Ring is marketing? Maybe we should rename it the Frankfrauder Ring?

Anonymous said...

This lie has provided them with quite the nice profit margin for years. Why let the truth get in the way of making a buck? We are, after all, talking about a huge scam here. Is anyone actually surprised Spezzano's qualifications are padded?

Anonymous said...

"Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of “hits” of viewers. They all feed off of each other for new content to stay competitive."--Lency Spezzano

Uncle Arthur said...

The Frankfurter Ring has marketed Chuck Spezzano as something he is not for years. This lie has lured in unsuspecting suckers who expected to see a professional when in fact they were seeing a fraud. The Frankfurter Ring needs to disavow Spezzano and stop enabling his scam. Merely erasing their earlier lies is not enough.

Think of it this way. We Americans see Spezzano as the Donald Trump of the New Age. Do you German/Swiss really want to be associated with a loser like that?

In order to makes amends and set things straight, the Frankfurter Ring needs to issue a public apology for promoting Chuck Spezzano with fake credentials. Apparently Spezzano himself won't correct these lies. Hmm. Perhaps these complaints should be taken up with the proper local consumer protection authorities.

Anonymous said...

By changing the ad to be accurate, Frankfurter Ring admitted they had been falsely marketing Spezzano. Yet, after this one case of correction they continue to perpetuate the myth he is a "psychologist" in their subsequent commercials. They are knowingly spreading a lie and Spezzano is letting them get away with it.

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