Friday, January 5, 2018

Miranda Wilson

Miranda Wilson has one of the more interesting Psychology of Vision stories.

She was a POV trainer ca. 2009-2011 in the UK (according to their webpage) and also a facilitator in the POV-spinoff, Steps to Leadership:
[Update Mar. 27, 2020: Dead link]

 Miranda's UK website is still up to this day:

The link from her name, captioned under her portrait was supposed to lead to the POV UK webpage, but instead this is where it leads today:

Apparently Psychology of Vision UK doesn't keep up with their URLs. The Internet Archive did capture the original linkage, and revealed this fascinating narrative:

Miranda Wilson
I have a successful private practice in London and Lewes  with clients drawn primarily from the Media industry. Growing up in California I had two loves; performing on stage, as a dancer and actress, and being in nature. Both of these were perfect escapes from my normal dysfunctional family. Both of these led me towards very different feelings of expansion. On stage I loved expressing, sharing and communicating. In nature I loved receiving and communing with an inexplicable power that was greater than myself. I had numerous experiences that I didn't know at the time were beyond the norm. I just knew that the Divine Spirit, as the native people of my country call it, cared for me. This helped enormously when in my late teens my adventurous spirit took me on a path that included drugs and alcohol, and landed me in a horrific situation of abuse and subsequent self-condemnation. But I pushed it down and carried on. Then when I was 22, a kindly specialist spent 2 hrs on a battery of tests with various large and small machines, only to tell me I had a solid tissue mass that was growing rapidly and needed immediate surgery. This had been the cause of the blackouts which had troubled me with increasing frequency. Yipes! Is that nice talk for a brain tumor? I was hoping for a simple ear infection. I wasn't fond of having someone cut my head open so I went in search of another answer and very soon discovered complementary healing. Once healed, I was hooked. After 6 years as a TV actress in LA I married and moved to the south of France where I studied numerous therapies, in depth. I ve been using Bach Flower remedies for 18 years and completed the practitioners course in 2007. I'm proficient at aromatherapy and focus my talent on personalised essential oil blends for clients who want a unique, signature scent . During my first pregnancy I studied with an herbalist, with an emphasis on pregnancy, childbirth and infant care, and made all of my own remedies for two successful home births. I was in heaven. It was only when my marriage ended with overwhelming emotional pain that I started to recognise the wisdom of looking inside the mind, as well as the body. Initially, I did everything I could to  'hold it together '. I was determined to give my boy's everything they needed, in spite of being a single parent, so I dove back into my university interest in child psychology and expanded it into early childhood development and education. I moved to England to join a group of like minded friends in a dream to start a holistic primary school, where emotional intelligence would be part of the curriculum. I worked for 2 years as project manager; fundraising, researching, setting up the school and in September 2000 the Lewes New School opened it's doors. What a feeling! After a couple of years of helping things settle at the school, I moved on and worked as the Director of the British Holistic Medical Association. The boards' desire was to upgrade this venerable trust and develop a more efficient and accessible organisation, which I quickly took to heart. Yet after several months, it was clear that 'keeping it together' was no longer working. Upon leaving the BHMA, I turned to my own Emotional Intelligence. A dear friend introduced me to POV and as with everything in my life, I immersed myself in my endeavour to heal the broken heart and obsessive mind that I had come to believe were really me. Today I wish for everyone the same sense of freedom, trust, gratitude and connection that I now feel towards all of life. I love holding the space for this to unfold.

Throwing and painting pottery. Well made films. Organic gardening and the fine cuisine created from the fruits of my labor. Scuba diving in warm, tropical waters. Appreciating my boy's as they become men. I adore English humour and I love to laugh, to dance, to do yoga and kundalini meditation. And when I have the time, I will once again sew, knit, make beautiful wooden furniture and open a healthy, happy, holiday retreat where the sun shines a great deal of the time and the stars are visible at night.

Trainer level:

Contact information:
Miranda Wilson
42A St. Anne\'s Crescent
BN7 1SD Lewes
Phone: 07941 339 612

As it turns out Miranda returned to the USA and is once again in the acting field. Her brief autobiography is available in the Internet Movie Database:

There are very few Americans who have ever been involved with Psychology of Vision, and over the years nearly all of them (except Spar Street) are expats or foreign residents at the time they sign up. That is interesting and I wonder why. 

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