Thursday, January 4, 2018

Melanie Richens

Melanie Richens, a coach, NLP practitioner and hypnotherapist includes Psychology of Vision - Steps to Leadership in her LinkedIn resume.

It is not uncommon to see people in this line of work cite POV in their education, which often makes me wonder how large of a role hypnotherapy plays in Psychology of Vision (e.g. Lency's "joining" sessions).

I personally would not be inclined to seek help from anyone using NLP or hypnotherapy, but I respect what Melanie is doing for one simple reason. Unlike the Spezzanos, she has put herself in a position where she has to be accountable.

As far as I know the Spezzanos belong to no professional associations and are not licensed, registered, certified or properly educated to be giving any mental or physical or emotional health advice. The victims of Psychology of Vision have few avenues in which they can seek justice when they have been screwed over by this Hermit Kingdom.

Not so with Melanie. She has connected herself with the field and I applaud her for that.

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