Thursday, December 7, 2017

Ursula Spielmann

Ursula Spielmann, a consultant for Rang Dröl, touts Psychology of Vision in her resume along with "Cranio-Sacral-Therapie, Psychology of Vision, Zen-Meditation, Assistenz bei Astrid Nafzger (Wahrnehmungsschulungen und Systematische Aufstellungsarbeit), Healing Body-Work David Chalmers."

1 comment:

Travis Henderson said...

This is just an informal observation, but it seems to me that Swiss students of POV, such as Ursula, are more likely to enter vocations where bodywork is the chief focus-- maintaining a healthy mind/body balance-- rather than relationship counseling or astrology or tarot reading or finding a soul purpose, etc., as we have seen with students in other countries. But I'm just generalizing here and stating an impression, not statistical fact.

The irony in this mind/body work of course is that both of the Spezzanos appear to be in terrible health with Chuck being obese and Lency making references to her low energy level. I wish them both well in getting better, but I would strongly suggest they both need to consult true medical professionals who possess accredited degrees in their fields.

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