Part of Chuck Spezzano's presentation in Vancouver, BC, 2015
The Spezzanos target mostly women, mostly 30 - 50 years old or so. Men are usually there because they have followed their wives and girlfriends, probably often thinking they are there to be supportive.
But men are really worked over in these sessions. Chuck states that the men represent missing brothers, fathers, grandparents, male offenders, bosses, etc. in the lives of the women.
When the Spezzanos have someone do a process, the participant chooses people in the group to represent various challenges in their lives. Men are almost always chosen to represent abuse issues.
The trainers are almost all female also.
The processing sessions are very orchestrated. Lots of touch, staring, emotional music, coercion, forced catharsis.
The Spezzanos use all sorts of manipulation techniques including hypnosis.
Communities have been left devastated, families have been broken up by this group.
Lency has said they have 52 trainers around the world. And I notice that trainers may use different names for their businesses, so far usually they do have some mention of Psychology of Vision on their web site, or Chuck and Lency Spezzano. With trainers paying annual fees to the Spezzanos, after all the $ they've already put out for the endless training, plus all the other income from people attending big events - the Spezzanos look to be making a fantastic amount of money.
The Spezzanos and their trainers are not doing anything helpful, healing, spiritual, mystical, or magical. They are running a huge con, using classic techniques.
All this plus a lack of any aftercare.
POV now has less than 20 trainers by my count.
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