Saturday, October 23, 2021

Honolulu Jutta und ihre Esoterik-Trips

German preschool administrator Jutta Lembke encountered some legal problems and was convicted  in her criminal efforts to finance activities for Psychology of Vision seminars:

A biography from Jutta Lembke's place of employment:


Robert Paul Burns said...

POV attracts some real winners. But what else could she do? The Master demanded his very expensive tribute and she had to obey.

Green Man said...

Along with the word "justice," another term missing from the POV vocabulary is "business ethics."

Sandy S said...

Did SALPOV help pay for Lembke's legal fees and criminal fine?

Half Moon Scratch said...

This case does bring up some questions. The main one is can Psychology of Vision be a legitimate and respected organization in which private or public company funds can be used in the professional development of their employees?

Apparently the answer is a resounding "No." And for good reason. POV is a cult and a for-profit corporation. Those who are currently living within the POV prison might not see it that way, but those of us in the rest of the world who have taken the time to evaluate this organization see it for what it is. A Big Scam.

I have to wonder how much of Haida Gwaii trainer Babs Stevens' involvement with Psychology of Vision has been supplemented with public funds. She has had so much international travel in her devotion as a supplicant to Chuck and Lency. Who paid for that? If the First Nations Fund did indeed foot the bill, could we please see the account book? Did Babs attend these POV sessions on work time or personal time? I'm not accusing, I am merely asking.

Oh, wait, the FNF isn't registered with the public. Gosh, what a surprise.

This is like Trump not releasing his tax forms.

POV is all about the money, and it isn't just about the Spezzanos, I would guess the financial shenanigans extend, as demonstrated by Jutta, to several select followers.

Anonymous said...

German authorities need to go after bigger fish in the POV scam. Jutta is just small fry. Why has Spezzano, the Frankfurter Ring, and other merchandisers been allowed to lie about Chuck's credentials and make a profit by this dishonesty?

Anonymous said...

Jutta's case should serve as a warning: Enter the Psychology of Vision scam at your own peril.

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