Friday, October 22, 2021

Frankfurter Ring continues to perpetuate the Big Lie

May 2016

The Frankfrauder Ring once again markets Chuck Spezzano as a "psychologist" when even by German standards he does not qualify for the title. He is not licensed and his Ph.D. in "Professional Psychology" was not accredited by the APA, meaning his academic efforts bypassed the scrutiny and quality control of those who set national standards.

Spezzano was convicted in 2004 by the State of Hawaii for pretending to be a psychologist.


Myron Daniel Healey said...

Sometimes the FR claims Spezzano has a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology," another complete fabrication. This has been going on for years. Spezzano has certainly had enough time to correct this misinformation, but why bother? Who wants to pay lots of money to see an unaccredited and unlicensed "coach"? So much easier to see a showbiz charlatan. Spezzano is the empty pastry of the New Age world, he even looks like a big jelly donut. It reflects badly on the credibility of the Frankfurter Ring that Chuck is in their lineup of star speakers year after year.

Like a Watercolor in the Rain said...

The Frankfurter Ring is not famous for vetting their speakers if a buck is to be made. We need to remember that Chuckster the Huckster is into making a profit first and foremost and the Frankfrauder Ring is one of his main enablers. Spezzano follows the money, that is his main incentive. The Ring has falsely advertised his credentials for quite some time and owes the world an apology. But that would require them to admit they have been marketing a lie all these years. Small chance of that happening.

Year of the Cat said...

"Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of 'hits' of viewers."--Lency Spezzano

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