Saturday, October 23, 2021

Honolulu advertising clips from the 1980s

Here are some small clips, 1983-1990 concerning the marketing of Chuck Spezzano in the Honolulu area.

Honolulu Star Bulletin, Nov. 10, 1983. Spezzano merchandises himself as a "psychologist" in spite of the fact he was never licensed as a psychologist in Hawaii, or anywhere else for that matter. His degree was not accredited by the APA.

This must be where the promotional fables about his credentials, which continue to this day, really began. The State of Hawaii caught up to these fraudulent claims in 2004 and slapped Spezzano with a stiff fine but the lie lives on.

Honolulu Star Bulletin, Nov. 14, 1983. Once again Spezzano is falsely described as a "psychologist." It is true he was briefly a "licensed marriage, family and child counselor" in Orange County, California (not in Hawaii) 1979-1983. During this same time period, in 1980, Spezzano went on tour as a psychic.

Honolulu Advertiser, Jan. 28, 1984. Spezzano served as the interim minister for the Windward Unity Church, in Kailua, Hawaii, 1983-1984. In present times the Unity Church in the USA appears to be in some sort of power struggle between the traditional members and the followers of Amma and Bhagavan (Oneness University). The Spezzanos attended a Oneness University 21-day course in 2007 and incorporated many OU practices into the POV program (Deeksha blessings, praise and adulation for Amma/Bhagavan, etc.) but at some point, ca. 2011 they began to distance themselves, vilifying OU and denying the India-based cult had any influence on them at all. The documentation on this blog demonstrates OU had an enormous impact on POV.

Honolulu Star Bulletin, Feb. 4, 1984. A subject dear to Chuck's heart.

Honolulu Advertiser, Feb. 11, 1984. In POV, "abundance" is code for "money."

Honolulu Advertiser, Feb. 25, 1984

Honolulu Star Bulletin, Mar. 3, 1984

Honolulu Advertiser, Mar. 3, 1984.

Honolulu Advertiser, Apr. 28, 1984

Honolulu Advertiser, May 5, 1984

Honolulu Advertiser, June 2, 1984

Honolulu Advertiser, June 16, 1984

Honolulu Star Bulletin, Aug. 18, 1989. Fast forward five years and Spezzano is now in the for-profit private sector.

Honolulu Star Bulletin, Aug. 26, 1989. The false advertising of Spezzano as a "psychologist" continued throughout the 1980s-- and today.

Honolulu Advertiser, Sept. 15, 1990.


Joe Gunn said...

The "psychologist" marketing lie appears to have started with Chuck himself a long time ago.

Bob Sharkey said...

This document reinforces the case of the State of Hawaii when they convicted and fined Spezzano in 2004 for pretending to be a psychologist.

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