Saturday, October 7, 2017

Chuck Spezzano is Main Speaker at Hamburger Congress

Chuck and Lency Spezzano publicity photos

Dec. 2016

Calling his visits to Europe "workshops," "seminars," "trainings," or "sessions" just doesn't cut it any more. Now he's elevated to "congress" status by his promoters. Holding court along with Spezzano at the 2017 Hamburger Erfolgskongress will be two POV trainers (Petra Hornung, Torsten Konrad) and a POV friend (Boris Thomas). So basically this "congress" is simply another three-day Psychology of Vision large group awareness training under the guise of a "success in business" title. Save your money and stay away. [Update, dead link, Apr. 23, 2017]

Now the congresses I have attended involve discussion and an exchange of ideas. Critical thought is invited. But not here. This Hamburger Congress is essentially a recruitment effort for the POV cult. Save your money and stay away.

The whole presentation is a sham. This is no "congress" in the true sense. It is a triple-day marketing effort and advertisement for a toxic group many, including several of Spezzano's peers in the New Age healing marketplace, regard as dangerous, irresponsible, and manipulative. Save your money and stay away.

Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision is hardly a business to emulate. It is apparently sliding downhill fast and is a New Age for-profit capitalist enterprise that has some very unethical business practices as documented in this blog, We conclude POV has no integrity. Save your money and stay away.

However, it is pretty obvious from the photos here that Spezzano must really love Hamburgers. By that I mean he must love the people of Hamburg. Why are you laughing? What do think I meant?


Mr. Creosote said...

It is pretty obvious from the photos here that Spezzano must really love Frankfurters. By that I mean he must love the people of Frankfurt as in Frankfurter Ring. Why are you laughing? What do think I meant?

Just a Perfect Day said...

Whenever I start to feel a bit low, I simply visit this post and then start laughing.

Kostoyed Amoursky said...

Did this event ever take place? And if so, did Chuck actually show up? This event, if it happened, sure didn't seem to leave any lasting impact. Hornung was no longer a trainer within that year.

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