Friday, August 11, 2017

I listened to my body and intuition that this was not the right place for me

This undated story by Teresah includes a visit to a Psychology of Vision event in Spain in 2008 that had unintended results. [Update: Inactive link, June 7, 2017]


Give Me a Second Grace said...

A good example of someone making a mistake (attending a POV workshop), having the courage to recognize this was not going to work out, and then roll with the change to do something independent and positive. Many people would have passively attended even after the inner red flags, going through resentment and suffering from buyer's remorse syndrome.

Anonymous said...

good thing this person didn't stay or all of her dreams would have been rerouted and diminished by POV indoctrination's,better to keep your passions close to your heart and not let scammers like these soak you for all of your resources leaving you high and dry and unable to pursue any dream.

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