Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Boy that's really profound. Sure worth $3000, huh?

Rubin Farr and Ed Tuttle at a meeting of the group called The Power of Positive Real-estate (The PPR, or, "The Organization")



Greta Thygesen said...

This cracks me up every time I see it, and reminds me of POV.

Year of the Cat said...


Ed Tuttle said...

Anyone signing up with Psychology of Vision will find themselves stuck in the middle of the desert with an ignoramus.

Lou Pascal said...

"Is there an echo in here?"

Rubin Farr said...

I am the King of the Echo People

Anonymous said...

Raise your hand, Ed.

Year of the Cat said...

"Rubin and Ed" is a piece of brilliant filmmaking. I had the pleasure of meeting the director Trent Harris once when he came through our area to show this movie on the big screen. In hindsight the parallels between "The Organization" and "Psychology of Vision" are remarkable-- and funny in a sad way.

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