Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Two Canadian Sellouts


Anonymous said...

"In a decision that will almost surely prompt showdowns with environmentalists, indigenous groups and some political allies, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada approved on Tuesday the expansion of a pipeline linking the oil sands in Alberta to a tanker port in British Columbia." Nov 2016

Henry Louis said...

And Babs Stevens has, of course, sold out her public trust as a Haida official to the likes of the scamster Spezzanos and scumster Erick Gonzalez.

Anonymous said...

Photo opps for people like Barbara Stevens is always to act like these influential people agree with what she does and are part of her POV world. POV likes to make their followers believe that they are in leadership. This photo with the present leader of Canada must make her feel very successful and is a way to con others in believing so.
Using government opportunities like this adds to her list of elitists self importance. Are we suppose to be impressed? And how strange to be driven to be acknowledged as important seen with a leader who is totally unaware of the agenda of this P0V advanced trainer.
JT cares about indigenous but he is not stupid, after viewing APTN INvestigates, I don't think there would be a single Canadian politician that would agree that POV cult and hallucinogenics is the way to go for one of the most important sect of our community. It is certain that the Prime minister of Canada would want and desire the best case scenario for it's FN people and not put them at risk with cults and recruited fn advocates.
You can't trust folks like this who use photo opps to further their own agendas!!

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