Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Original Mind Download

Lency Spezzano had taken 13 of her 16 Youtube video examples of "downloading" away from public viewing in May, 2015. One of them was the "Original Mind" download with Babs Stevens. This video lasted over 13 minutes and was first posted in 2012.

The three remaining "downloading" examples can be found at this link:

The Babs Stevens Youtube was transcribed before it was taken down. The transcription with detailed editorial comments can be found at this link:;topicseen#msg39666

What follows here is the straightforward transcription with photos:

LKS: So I have it on good authority Babs that today's your birthday.

BS: Yes.

LKS: The Universe has declared that today is a birthday for you and you get a birth and you get a gift and the universe will provide anything that your heart desires. So what we're going to be doing is that we're going to receive a download, and downloads are a very elegant form of joining in which we get out of the way and the higher self, the higher mind, Heaven, the creators true light and energy uses my mind, in this case, as a conduit to heal patterns of belief and patterns of habitual thinking of beliefs and injuries and pain. All of those things can be released and healed. We can ask for something that's purely positive and that is just received into the brain as a gift. The sky's the limit, you can have anything you want. What would you like? Its your birthday.

BS: I would like to heal contact ..

LKS: [grabs the microphone from Babs' hand and shoves it closer to Babs' face] Contact.

BS: Contact. Like for instance when the Haidas totally owned Haida Gwaii and ...

LKS: [turns to audience] So Babs is First Nations from Canada.

BS: ... everyone was innocent then.

LKS: So through colonization, through the various abuses, abuses that your people received, in that process of a sort of a cultural genocide that your people went through ...

BS: Yes.

LKS: ... and a different culture was imposed on them. A different language, a different belief system. And it was very punitive in nature and the children were taken from their homes and put in institutions, families were broken up, it was a very systematic breaking down of everything that was important that kept your culture, your aboriginal culture operating in its healthy true beautiful way. Right?

BS: Smallpox was introduced ...

LKS: Smallpox.

BS: Whole villages.

LKS: Yeah.

BS: Yeah.

LKS: [exhales loudly]

LKS: So you would like to receive the removal of that negative influence that was imposed on your family for many generations. Remove it from your mind, let's say we can remove their minds as well. And for your children and grandchildren, because you know there is only one of us here.

LKS: Let's say this is the start of something very important. Psychology of Vision is so committed to supporting aboriginal cultures around the world, but we've really really committed to the First Nations people of Canada that have taken Psychology of Vision and applied it. And because Psychology of Vision shares similar values with their original culture, the understanding of "Oneness," that we're all related, that there's really only one of us here, and it fits so well with their own Native healing approaches, that its just a great success. And there is cultural Renaissance wherever Psychology of Vision goes in the First Nations communities.

LKS: Because as people are able to heal their own issues and help their families heal there's time to address community issues and when enough families are involved in the healing process beautiful things happen, and cultural values flourish again, people are able to learn their languages again. Its just beautiful. And we receive so much. So much grace, so much beauty, that its such a wonderful two-way street.

So lets declare because its true that we can return to our original mind.

["Downloading/Joining" begins]

LKS: [turns to audience] That's a big one. You really feel this in your brain. So there's nothing wrong if you feel a lot of undulations and things going in your brain. It's all good.

[After the process is complete, Lency instructs Babs to "Look right at that camera," and then tells an aide, "Get Melissa." POV trainer Melissa Meyer joins the stage]

LKS: There are so many peoples in the room that have been colonized, that have been injured this way. But only truth is true.

[Lency then calls Melissa, "my daughter."]


Anonymous said...

Here's another review of this video:

Anonymous said...

Great example of how POV puts the psychosis into the participant. Anyone deeply involved in this mind manipulation cannot self assess the long term damage they are engaged in. Professional exit counseling is seriously needed to undo this sickness imposed on the participant's involvement with these POV "training" sessions.
Delusional agreements like this does not heal anything but instead keeps the participant locked in to the leader's self professed success of "generating great healing" where ever they go.
Advanced trainers is a red flag for " get these participants to a real psychologist so they can get their brains back!"

Anonymous said...

Stage hypnotism.

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