Saturday, March 28, 2020

Morphogenetic Field

A quote from the Youtube Skeptic Presents: Get Your Guru Going with Brian Keith Dalton and Michael Shermer

1. People’s ignorance is your best friend.

2. Pander to people’s hopes and fears.

3. Speak with authority about things very few people understand.

4. Misappropriate the language of various fields of study.

5. Sound ‘sciency’.

[Update Aug. 18, 2021: dead link] 

Here is a still from Beziehungs- und Kommunikationstraining mit Anne-Kathrin Koch by way of illustration. Note the POV Triangle in the background. POV loves to misappropriate science terminology as much as they love misappropriating aboriginal cultures.

Gotta love the way she introduces herself as a "licensed Psychology of Vision trainer,"  as if that really meant she had any sort of professional credentials.

[Update: April 29, 2020: A link to a blogpost by Koch, who was purged from POV. Her post should be entitled "I Will Survive!" We know she is not alone and send her our best wishes in building a new life]


Year of the Cat said...

What strikes me about all these videos produced by the Spezzanos and various Psychology of Vision trainers is that 95% of them are quite mind-numbingly boring. Generally, the camera is static and we are treated to a sales pitch for an esoteric personality cult. None of these characters have the charisma to captivate us and hold our attention. Watching Chuck Spezzano's series of vids filmed in Spar Street's studio is an exercise for the viewer in how long one can endure a rising whiney and desperate-sounding tone. The best part is the tagged on professionally produced title introduction in each one of those Chuck videos. The rest is all downhill, a steep downhill at that!

In terms of artistic video creativity, German POV trainer Torsten Konrad produces many personal visual works that are original, using his dance talents. But even here, when he turns his video presentations to promoting Psychology of Vision, this talented guy becomes a sterile talking head. I think this is a good metaphor for how POV manages to kill off individual creativity.

Some vids employ plenty of stock photos that are popular among a certain element of the New Age set: couples, heartwarming scenes, sunsets/sunrises, people jumping up in the air, babies, young and alive people beaming at the camera, cute animal images. It gets old pretty fast.

The POV promotional video commercials I have seen have been unoriginal, uncreative, and the result of cheap low-production values. In terms of weirdness I loved Lency Spezzano's "Downloading/Joining" videos, but my reasons for being entertained were unintended by the producers I am sure. I'm sorry she took most of them away from public view. In the larger world of New Age capitalists, POV remains small-time and is quickly dying in the English-speaking world. Perhaps this is due to the fact it is culturally easier for English speakers to catch the tricky nuances of the POV leadership salesmanship tricks and avoid stepping into this dangerous group. And make no mistake, POV is a very dangerous group.

Crusader Feline said...

She is no longer a POV trainer.

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