Sunday, June 18, 2017

Rasha Still Has Grounds for a Lawsuit

The spiritual teacher Rasha informed Canadian POV trainers Betty Lou Hunt and Joanne Roberts in early 2014 to stop using her quotes and twisting them to fit the POV agenda since she wanted no affiliation with the corporation.

The offenders promised to take down their criminal act. But as of now Rasha's words are still out there endorsing the POV mission:
[Update Mar. 31, 2020: Finally, after six years, they took the bloody thing down]

 Shifting The Need to Be Right
Facilitators: Betty Lou Hunt & Joanne Roberts

November 23rd & 24th 2013

Psychology of Vision® represents a visionary model created by Chuck & Lency Spezzano, that is helpful for relationships, for leaders, for visionaries & for modern mystics in this time of change. It is a practical system based on love and healing.

The enhancement of one’s vibration is key to all one would wish to accomplish in this transitional time. What has been termed inner-knowingness is being kindled within the consciousness of every being throughout the world.

As we begin to attune to the higher resonance of that awareness, the answers that were once elusive emerge from within. We will tap into profound levels of deeper understanding that were unavailable to our conscious mind at diminished levels of vibration.

The vibration of every thought pattern that passes through our consciousness carries an energy charge. Since our thoughts create our reality, it is time to cultivate a conscious awareness of our responses to the dramas in which we find ourselves.

By stimulating the experience of selected emotions, one is able to bring to the surface and to release stagnant energies that are the underlying cause of disease and ill health.

What is required is a confrontation, within the depth of our conscious awareness, of negative patterns and stagnant energies that we have carried within our energy field. This is technically called “slaying the ego”.

Repressed emotions, negative inclinations, habitual  behaviors, addictions and victim consciousness have been raised to the surface so that we would be able to scrutinize the evidence of the misguided energy harbored within our physical form. The opportunity when encountering such experiences is to recognize the theme being presented without allowing the trigger to be activated.

As we relinquish the need to control and direct our transformational journey and learn to trust and surrender, we will raise our vibration, see the lesson that is being presented and release the need to prove ourselves right and another wrong. What truly matters is that our inner harmony is retained, and that our connectedness with the source of that inner peace remains undisturbed. Know that we are in command of our situation at all times.

Once your frequency stabilizes at the higher level, which is commonly being described as the 5th dimension, deeper levels of understanding take on a clarity and breadth of vision that cannot be justified by linear logic. You will become aware that you have emerged as a very different kind of being for reasons you cannot explain. Everyone must honor their own process of transformation“.   -Oneness by Rasha


    Release levels of repressed energy that block our alignment with the 5th dimension

    Transform your life lessons to a different level of awareness/frequency

    Transform possibility into probability

    Align with our own personal vibration that is required for the dimensional shift.

    Learn to listen to guidance and be obedient and  follow instructions

    Experience the freedom from “needing to be right” and the peace of being “willing to be wrong”


Cornerstones Wellness Centre

#3 222 3rd Avenue West

Prince Rupert, BC


  Saturday November 23th 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

(Registration 9:30-10:00 am)

Sunday November 24th - 10:00am to 6:00pm

*Workshop ending times are approximate


$195  Pre-registered by November 22nd, 2013

© 2012. Cornerstones Wellness Center. All Rights Reserved.


Ziggy said...

Cornerstones changed the color of the type to obscure it a bit, but it can still be read and printed off. Why don't they just take the thing down?

Anonymous said...

Cornerstones never did issue a public apology for their criminal act. Guess that is what POV teaches you, no amends to be made.

Dr. Cognito said...

The title of their workshop is sort of comical when you think about the situation.

Hahahahaha said...


Release levels of repressed energy that block our alignment with the 5th dimension

Transform your life lessons to a different level of awareness/frequency

Transform possibility into probability

Align with our own personal vibration that is required for the dimensional shift.

Learn to listen to guidance and be obedient and follow instructions

Experience the freedom from “needing to be right” and the peace of being “willing to be wrong”

Kostoyed Amoursky said...

Rasha asked Cornerstones to take this down what? over four years ago and I can STILL find their webpage where they inappropriately quote her via a simple Google search. What is wrong with these POV Cornerstones people?

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