Sunday, June 4, 2017

NAFPS Selections: The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision Pt. 8

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," July 06, 2014]:

Ad from the now suspended website where Chuck Spezzano charges what is about $1100 an hour in American money, 2014


The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision, Pt. 8


    Are Chuck And Lency And The Psychology of Vision Only about Money?

    When people whose first vocational goals were to be a priest, and to work with severely disabled people and dying children, it is not because they are only about money. Being a Psychology of Vision Trainer is very challenging and draining work, the overhead is high and the rewards are not primarily financial.

    If we were only about money, there are much easier ways to acquire it. PoV Trainers are motivated by the love in their hearts for humanity and their desire to relieve suffering.

She is right. The Spezzanos are indeed not just about making lots of money, they are also about acquiring a sadistic kind of power over people, as evidenced by Lenora's YouTubes. Notice how she first poses her question as if it was just pointed to her and Charles, and then extends it to the trainers as if they were extensions of herself.

The trainers are being used as sandbags here. Most of them are probably not making all that much money, especially with all the fee-based requirements the Spezzanos demand. But you can bet the two top CEOs of Spezzano and Associates are raking it in.

The fact Charles charges over $1000 an hour for a personal consultation wrecks the integrity of Lenora's whining about her defense they are not obsessed with money.

I won't dispute the fact both Spezzanos entered the occupation of helping others with the best of intentions. But it didn't last long. Somewhere along the line they crossed over to the Dark Side of greed and power. They have indeed become the very dark astral forces they warn their followers about. Unfortunately, one of the requirements of being a SALPOV client is to check your brains at the door, along with any sense of dignity, class, or (shudder) independence. A few souls have managed to crawl out of the SALPOV crazy house and are among the people working to convince British Columbia authorities that a public system of exit counseling needs to be in place as a support for SALPOV survivors trying to reclaim their lives.

It looks like the Spezzanos left the field of public service three decades ago and became retail spiritual capitalists, selling their vaporware to wealthy gullible people who were not subject to USA consumer protection laws. If they had remained in the low-paying and altruistic field of public service then perhaps I could have an iota of respect for them. But instead they chose to put profit ahead of social responsibility, as indicated by the damage they have created without admitting any responsibility for the negative consequences of their actions as outlined in this forum.

If they had been cast in the Big Chill, a movie where Boomer plans were torn asunder, they would've played the parts of corporate sellouts.

The question among the SALPOV watchers on whether Lenora lives in a world of delusion or is indeed a true con artist remains open

1 comment:

Edith Heazlit said...

The Reagan era converted a lot of well-meaning people, including the Spezzanos apparently, to the dark side of monetary worship.

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