Saturday, June 3, 2017

NAFPS Selections: Lenora's Ripoff pt. 6

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," April 06, 2014]:

Lenora's Ripoff pt. 6

Here are the concluding three paragraphs of Lenora Kay Spezzano's rebuttal to a consumer complaint in Ripoff Report. In this final installment of my essay, Lenora makes an attempt to identify the motives of her critic--

"For the Psychology of Vision to have drawn such attack, it is likely that two elements are involved regarding the attacker. The first is that the person has a fear of feeling their suppressed or repressed emotions - they are not on a healing path themselves, and feel threatened that other people might expect them to face their emotional issues. Therefore, the Psychology of Vision becomes a frightening thing. The second element is that the Psychology of Vision has become ammunition for a fight the person is already in. Perhaps someone recommended the seminars to a family member and it was interpreted as a correction or a judgement, for example. When that fear is the filter of perception of us, there is little that could be said that would allow us to be seen as well intentioned and beneficial. At the same time, it is clear that the writer of the report has a different agenda - a personal reason for attacking us and attempting to destroy our reputation. He is not someone who is just speaking up to protect innocent consumers. He has never been to a Psychology of Vision training, and has no training in psychology."

"It appears that the fellow also went to all of the Youtube videos we and others have uploaded and posted on each of them the accusation that we are cons running a scam. As if money could be the only motivation for doing what we do? All the seminars that Chuck and I have taught in First Nations communities were ones we donated - often twice a year. It is the opposite of draining communities. So far, no one is getting rich off this work. :) Perhaps the author of the attack does not have an understanding of the overhead involved in promoting events internationally. We require a full time staff of 5 at our home base, for example, and more help during our heaviest months. It is also obvious that the author of the attack has not studied psychology."

"As I mentioned, we are an association of 52 Psychology of Vision Trainers around the world. Our international website is, and Chuck's and my personal site is The Youtube videos referred to in the report are examples of one exercise - a 'download' - experiencing oneness with another as a way of opening our minds to receiving grace. While the videos do not show the primary form of work that I do, they are a taste of the work. Here is one example:
[Substitute link]

Now for some disclosure here. I know the identity of Lenora's critic. If Lenora's above stabs in the dark are an indication of her occupational deductive or intuitive ability then I'd say she does not know very much about psychology. The first time I read this I had a long laugh. She is so off the mark on almost every point. Before you ask, no, I am not the writer of that original criticism.

Lenora is correct when she says "As if money could be the only motivation for doing what we do?" Although money is the chief motivation, we cannot discount the motivation of power and the ego-boost of heading a cult. As the YouTubes demonstrate, there is some sort of sadistic game taking place here.

As stated before, her misleading comments on donating to First Nations were addressed by Ingeborg on this forum. As it happens POV has deleted the German POV Trainers Manual from the online world, but fortunately we can provide part of the transcript here.

It does indeed seem no one is getting rich from POV-- except the Spezzanos. I hope Revenue Canada and the US IRS and the Hawaii Department of Taxation are following this discussion. Particularly the information from the now deleted German POV Trainers Manual about that Swiss bank account--

[Update: A revised version of the German manual was later posted]

The figure given of 52 POV trainers is considerably less than the 70+ mentioned in years past. There are more than a few ex-POV trainers and spiritual healing colleagues out there who are not entirely smitten by Charles and Lenora.

I find it fascinating Lenora went out of her way to highlight one of the most damaging and self-incriminating YouTubes on the eve of the APTN exposé. This is the one where she places Babs Stevens under what appears to be hypnosis, making her client virtually comatose by the end of the presentation, and then Lenora presents herself as Melissa Meyer's surrogate mother. This is a creepier than usual "download" and APTN made use of it in their investigative piece.

In conclusion, Lenora Kay Spezzano failed to make her case and did an inadequate job defending the charge that POV is anything more than a scam and ripoff. The original critique stands.


Quinn the Deck Man said...

"Perhaps someone recommended the seminars to a family member and it was interpreted as a correction or a judgement, for example. When that fear is the filter of perception of us, there is little that could be said that would allow us to be seen as well intentioned and beneficial."

That stab in the dark tells me this is a sort of criticism Lency is quite familiar with.

Harold Loud, the Death of Man said...

Looks like POV is down to perhaps less than 20 trainers now.

Franic Le Morphe said...

It has been a few years since Lency wrote her rebuttal. I wonder if she has learned anything since then or has simply dug in deeper into her state of denial?

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