Saturday, June 3, 2017

NAFPS Selections: Lenora's Ripoff pt. 3

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," April 02, 2014]:

Lency Spezzano and Jordan Kao during the "Greater Intimacy with God" downloading/joining session, which has since been removed from public viewing on Youtube


Lenora's Ripoff pt. 3

We continue to examine Lenora Kay Spezzano's arguments in defense of Psychology of Vision as she responded to criticism of the cult in The Ripoff Report.

Here is Lenora's next contribution--

"Seminar participants develop their own connection to grace and healing, and do not need to go through any PoV Trainer at any time to access it. Focus is always made on empowering the participants in their lives, not developing dependency on PoV Trainers. Participants do heal the pain of old emotional injuries and release it, but there is no emotional 'freaking out' in the seminars. Although there is a lot of laughter, none of it is 'hysterical.' The seminar is not like EST, except for similar guidelines about how to operate in a group setting (i.e. be on time, try not to leave the room during a session unless necessary, please do not side-talk to your neighbor - throw all jokes out to the center, etc.)."

First, as always, consulting the Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual will demonstrate how often Charles Lee Spezzano and Lenora Kay Spezzano insert themselves as intermediaries between the paying client and the source of "enlightenment." Developing dependency of POV trainers is part of the scam. Empowering people is the last thing POV is interested in. This is a for-profit corporation, not an altruistic endeavor.
[Substitute link]

Anyone who charges $1100 US an hour has no incentive for empowering people as a first priority. That person is motivated, in a very openly arrogant and egotistical manner, by the coin of the realm. It is obscene and outrageous. By charging this amount for an hour of his time Charles Lee Spezzano is worshipping mammon over God and is not walking his talk.
[Substitute link]

The Spezzanos are the gatekeepers you have to pay off before you can enter the esoteric realm of some artificial and fleeting state of mind they have created. They are the ticket collectors for a bizarre funhouse of their invention. The experience might make you scream and tremble and vomit and perhaps you felt a sense of release, but it was all fake. Fraud. Not real. Charles Lee Spezzano and Lenora Kay Spezzano are not included as the subjects of this forum devoted to frauds for nothing. They have earned this recognition.

People who desire emotional healing need to go to real professionals with real professional credentials who charge reasonable fees, perform responsible follow-up, are accredited by national professional organisations, and don't rely on cheap theatrics and ritual to dazzle the vulnerable and wounded. The Spezzanos fall quite short of meeting any of these requirements.

Lenora Kay Spezzano's YouTube "joining" presentations always focus on her, rather than the client, as the center of attention. We never see a solo camera shot of the customer during the "downloading"," but we have plenty of footage of Lenora's face. This reinforces the idea that a Psychology of Vision authority figure needs to be present for the spiritual transformation to happen. The YouTubes are all about Lenora, not the client. The compliant POV trainers who participated in this demonstration of Lenora's spiritual powers are there as mere props in order to amplify her greatness.
[Update: Most of these Youtube examples have been removed from viewing for the general public]

The Spezzanos are takers, not givers. Lenora's YouTubes are so revealing. A real professional product marketing person would have advised them to give more attention in those YouTubes to why this "Joining" would be beneficial to the new recruit. The center of attention should be the satisfied customer. But instead Lenora chose to selfishly highlight her talents in the art of somnolence and comes across as a sadist and cult puppeteer. It astounds me that these videos exist for the world to see. The manipulation is so obvious and utterly destroys Lenora's above defensive remarks. POV is its own worst enemy. There is nothing here to attract any reasonable person.

The Spezzanos are fishing for vulnerable people with money who are in so much inner turmoil they are unable to use their critical thinking skills. A cruel person would call these clients suckers. I call them twice victims.

People do freak out in Lenora Kay Spezzano's "joining" sessions, and Lenora herself has provided the evidence.

Here is the most classic example. Start at 3:35--
[Substitute link]

Revisit the above link at about 7:00, watch Lenora point to her right eye, again, and observe Jordan's reaction. The remainder is very disturbing. Empowering? No. Developing dependency? Yes.

EST and POV do share the perception from the mainstream that both of them are dangerous cults. The "group setting" scenario does bring to mind one of my favorite online resources, 10 fun ways to social hack an awareness training from the inside out. I'd love to see the RCMP send an agent to a POV workshop and try out some of these helpful tips.

So many lies to counter, so little time.

1 comment:

Edwin Arthur Rolfe said...

Psychology of Vision sure has taken down a lot of videos and pdfs in the last couple years. Sort of the opposite of being "transparent" I'd say.

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