Friday, October 29, 2021

NAFPS Selections: It's much worse than sad

[Posted on New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum by "moreinfo," September 05, 2013]:

Lency and Chuck Spezzano
   It's much worse than sad..

spezzano's "teachings" are probably the most damaging therapy/counseling anyone can give residential school survivors. spezzano is still trying to take full advantage of vulnerable people and take the money the government allotted for their true healing and have it all for himself and his devout followers to spend  on themselves, there is ample proof that this was already done and now spezzano and his gang are doing it again. one of the spezzano slogans is-


 one of our first nations ways is to share and help each other, everyone and anyone that needs help, this is one of the common traditions that kept all cultures alive and to survive 10's of thousands of years, up to this day,

  until now,

now we have to watch and protect ourselves from hucksters and frauds,  some people appear to turned capitalist and commercialized themselves to make money even at the cost of ruining people and their culture

  it is so sad when someone in any tribe has taken these corrupt style of "teachings"and applies it to their own people for profit motivated self gain, power and control are all in the same boat.

 from what i am witnessing with spezzano's participants living his ideas on living a happy life, it all seem to be an extension of colonialism, based on their greedy needs for materialism, and not helping others, unless you're in spezzano's group or whatever other you need to be in to follow spezzano's way to live, spezzano definitely has proven that his "teachings" splits families and village citizens into them and us that don't belong to his group

this is detrimental to any first nations culture. the participants seem to lose track of their first nations identity by diluting the traditions by including and following spezzano's "teachings" in the first nations ceremonies.

scary scary, if these groups aren't identified for what they truly are..

what do we teach our children

can anyone research and post the outcome of this Cali. superior court case where spezzano is listed as giving false documents under the guise of a licensed psychologist ??
chuck and lency spezzano are alleged to have given false testimony in California Superior court against a man that ended up committing suicide


Hélène Olivine Veilleux said...

Psychology of Vision is a very authoritarian program, a cult in fact.

Tom Joad said...

In answer to your question: one spinoff outcome of this case was that Charles Lee "Chuck" Spezzano was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for pretending to be a "psychologist."

Anonymous said...

As of today, the POV Canada link to the First Nations Fund still lists Susan How as the contact person. But she has not been connected as a "trainer" with the cult for quite some time. So what's the deal here?

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