Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Grownow Encyclopedia Entry on Psychology of Vision

Grownow appears to be something of a German language online encyclopedia of coaching and healing methods from an alternative and/or New Age perspective, judging from the list of  entries.

The entries include an opportunity for input from practitioners (in this case POV trainer Susanne Ernst) and also from consumers.

The most fascinating aspect of Grownow is their matrix of healing methods, divided into a quadrant, the four sides being: estoric-spiritual, mental-cognitive, rational, and body-oriented. POV landed deep in the estoric-spiritual, mental-cognitive camp, along with Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Dale Carnegie. The matrix must be seen live in order to really use it:

[Update Aug. 16, 2021: dead link]


Anthony Oldman said...

There is indeed nothing rational about Psychology of Vicious, er, Vision. Sorry about that slip, must've been my unconscious mind fighting to express itself. Or an astral attacker. Or a voice from a past life yearning to speak. Or channeling from a discontented spirit.

Or, it could've been just a typo.

Tom Joad said...

Now if they only included the scam factor as part of the matrix, THAT would be interesting.

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